Stanislas Robiolles

참여 작품

Trio is a cinematic series of filmed portraits that shows, in a single large, fixed and silent shot of 3 minutes and 20 seconds, three people free to do what they want.
La Maison qui pleure
Les yeux de maman sont des étoiles
A woman finds herself mysteriously pregnant. We do not know anything about the father who could be a simple ... bilboquet!
필립 가렐의 초기 무성 실험영화. 4살 난 남자아이와 부모가 심각한 위협에 처해 도망친다. 그러나 정작 그들을 위협하는 존재의 정체는 알려지지 않는다.
Marie for Memory
The kid
Parallel lives of two couples destined to suicide, one, and unhappiness, the other.