Ian Reynolds

참여 작품

The Maiden
Sound Recordist
In Calgary, Alberta, a teen who’s mourning the loss of his best friend walks through the forest. There, he comes across the diary of a classmate, a girl who’d been briefly involved with his friend before mysteriously disappearing.
13,000 피트의 앤
Sound Recordist
토론토 한 유치원에서 아이들의 사랑을 받으며 일하는 20대 후반의 앤은 우연한 기회에 스카이다이빙을 접하고 스릴을 느낀다. 앤은 가족과 직장, 주변과의 관계 맺기에서 늘 어려움을 겪는 인물로, 감정 기복이 심한 그는 때론 흥분하고 때론 냉정하며, 유치함의 경계를 넘나들면서 말이 안 되는 장난을 자주 친다. 점점 예측할 수 없는 행동을 하는 앤에게 스카이다이빙은 탈출구가 될 수 있을까?
화이트 라이
Sound Recordist
케이티 아네슨은 자신이 암 환자라고 사람들에게 거짓말을 한다. 케이티가 암에 걸렸다는 소식과 그녀가 벌인 모금 행사 때문에 그녀는 캠퍼스에서 유명 인사가 된다. 한편 그녀는 일주일 내로 의료 기록 사본을 제출하지 않으면 모금 행사가 취소될 수 있다는 걸 알게 된다.
Please Speak Continuously and Describe Your Experiences as They Come to You
Sound Recordist
Emily is a patient at an experimental psychiatric facility where a brain implant prototype allows her to relive her dreams.
Please Speak Continuously and Describe Your Experiences as They Come to You
Sound Mixer
Emily is a patient at an experimental psychiatric facility where a brain implant prototype allows her to relive her dreams.
A Debtors' Prison
Location Sound Recordist
In St. Louis County, the home of police-shooting victim Michael Brown, a practice with a long history has become systematic: the operation of modern-day debtors’ prisons. A Debtors' Prison follows two plaintiffs in an unfolding court case, Samantha Jenkins and Meredith Walker, as they describe the matrix of controls that subjected them to incarceration for being poor.
Boom Operator
Set one evening in present-day Moscow, 16-year-old Pyotr is baited by an ultra-nationalist group known for their violent abductions and attacks bolstered by Russia's LGBT Propaganda Law, but Pyotr has a dangerous secret.
Sound Recordist
Set one evening in present-day Moscow, 16-year-old Pyotr is baited by an ultra-nationalist group known for their violent abductions and attacks bolstered by Russia's LGBT Propaganda Law, but Pyotr has a dangerous secret.
One Bad Mice
Johnny (Art Duarte) is out for justice against the mobsters that have raped his sister (Blue McDonnell), storming his way into their strongholds and shooting down anyone that stands in his way, while also seeking revenge against head honcho (Gary Head) for the murder of his father who was killed right in front of him at a young age.