Joachim Nimtz

Joachim Nimtz

출생 : 1957-07-27, Kamenz, Germany

프로필 사진

Joachim Nimtz

참여 작품

And All You Do Is Watch
After her daughter's fatal accident at a busy intersection, Jenni is confronted with videos on the web of Mia dying. Instead of helping, passersby were filming with their cell phones. The horrific images won't let Jenni go. Horror and rage at the gawkers' pitiless curiosity take her completely captive. There is hardly any room for her grief; instead, she obsessively searches for the accident spectators in order to confront them with the consequences of their sensationalism. She finds what she's looking for – but her first encounters don't help her. No one seems aware of any wrongdoing, or capable of admitting it. Supported by a tough lawyer, Jenni decides to take action against the sensationalists.
Erzähler (voice)
신문사에서 일하는 파비안과 교수가 되기 위해 학위논문을 쓰고 있는 라부데, 그리고 유명한 스타가 되고 싶은 배우 코르넬리아. 세 사람의 이야기는 바이마르 공화국의 마지막 시대를 무대로 퇴폐와 방종의 광란 속에 몸을 내맡긴다. (제26회 부산국제영화제)
George Drescher
In “Death Angel”, Jakob Ziemnicki's film adaptation of the novel “Walküre” by Craig Russel, Peter Lohmeyer alias Jan Fabel does everything possible to eradicate his most bitter flesh as an investigator: the Hamburg chief commissioner once again chases one of the press as the “angel of St. Pauli "described the serial killer who" punished "sex offenders ten years ago, remained undetected and is now apparently active again. However, the chief investigator, along with his crime logs played by Ina Paule Klink and Proschat Madani, comes across puzzling deviations from the previous victim scheme.
The Goldfish
Oliver is a banker and portfolio manager and leads a life in the fast lane, which one day comes to an abrupt end, as he builds a self-inflicted accident on highway with 230 km / h and raced through a guardrail. When he wakes up in the hospital again, he faces a devastating diagnosis: paraplegia. Actually, a rehabilitation stay of several months is planned in the hospital, but Oliver soon falls on his head and ends up in a disabled shared flat with the name "Die Goldfische"
우리가 꿈을 꾸면서
다니는 마약 중독자가 된 마크를 오래전 극장이었던 곳에서 찾아 영화를 보고 음악을 들으며 같이 꿈을 꾸던 그 시절을 회상한다. 베를린 장벽이 무너지고 통일이 되자 다니, 리코, 마크, 파울 4명의 친구들은 새로운 삶을 찾아 테크노 나이트클럽을 연다. 그러나 그들은 계속 문제에 부닥친다.
Simon falls head over heels in love with pretty and quick-witted Verena. When his father, who suffers from schizophrenia, has a relapse, Simon devotes himself completely to his mother and little sister and endangers his budding romance. Maneuvering himself into a near-fatal situation, Simon realizes that he cannot change the others' lives, but only his own.
Die letzte Fahrt
Schneewittchen muss sterben
Police Officer
Kaddisch für einen Freund
Kommissar Doll
The Fire
Judith decides to go on her own to the salsa-dancing night, even though her boyfriend, with whom she goes there every week, can’t accompany her. A stranger, with whom she briefly dances, offers to walk her home. Next morning, upon returning home, Judith refuses at first to accept that she’s a rape victim, but in the end decides to go to a doctor and press charges - which prove inadequate to have the rapist convicted. Under the influence of sweeping bodily and mainly psychological oscillations, Judith decides she has to follow an unorthodox path in order to prove the perpetrator’s guilt.
Arzt in U-Haft
옐라는 실패한 결혼생활과 부서진 꿈을 뒤로한 채 새로운 삶을 찾아 고향을 떠나기로 결심한다. 무엇도 그녀를 막을 수 없다. 심지어 정신이상자인 전 남편이 그녀가 떠나던 날 교통 사고를 일으켜도, 그녀의 앞을 막지는 못한다. 젊은 이사 필립에게 비서직을 제안 받은 후 옐라의 인생은 바뀌기 시작한다. 투자 사업 쪽에는 전혀 경험이 없지만, 아름다운 외모와 도도함을 무기로 협상에 능력을 발휘하는 옐라. 이사 필립과의 애정 관계도 희망적이다. 하지만 허공에서 이상한 소리가 들리고 기묘한 사건들이 옐라를 괴롭힌다. 그녀의 새 인생은 현실이라고 하기에는 너무 완벽했던 걸까? 베를린영화제에서 여우주연상을 수상한 배우 니나 호스의 열연이 빛나는 작품.
Die andere Hälfte des Glücks
Leiter Krisenstab
Papa und Mama
A series of explosions carried out by an oil drilling platform in the North Sea causes little earthquakes and alarm the population of coastal areas closest to the epicenter.
FRAGILE is the story of a woman who is killed in a car crash and is given one day more to spend with the people she loves. FRAGILE is a short parable about the things we often take for granted until they are gone, like friendship and love from those that are close to us. It is a film about the precious gift of life, and the fragility of our existence. Death, its imminence and certainty despite our efforts to deny it, is examined in a meditative manner. FRAGILE entertains by means of serious reflection and lyrical contemplation.
Die Rückkehr
Verlorenes Land
Wilde Engel
Mobbing: Die lieben Kollegen
Im Schatten des Führers
Forbidden Love
18-year old Georg and 13-year old Barbara have been playing together as children. Play becomes love later, which leads to a catastrophe , as their parents are hostile leading to file a report to the court, as Barbara is still under age.
I Wish I Were a Pigeon
The story of German minority members who, after escaping from Wehrmacht, form a partisan unit named "Ernst Thalmann" in eastern Croatia. The focus is a family whose members fight on different sides of the barricade.
Zum Teufel mit Harbolla
Oberleutnant Strohbach
Even the military academy can't stop kind-hearted officer Gottfried Engelhardt from seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. Everything in the young GDR is blooming: Engelhardt's career, the socialist state, the black market, and maybe even a chance at love.
The Brigade-Leader’s Hat
Young construction worker Ralf Reider leaves his home village Katzsprung in the Rhön mountains during the "Berlin Initiative". In the capital, he wants to earn enough money in construction to build his own house for his wife and his child. But Ralf is an unconventional character who soon becomes an outsider because of his behaviour.
Major Hans Helbig
Das Eigentor
Ulf Ansorge
Ab heute erwachsen
Martin Luther