Enzo Vetrano

참여 작품

The Properties of Metals
In an Italian village, where the idyllic beauty of the landscape belies the toughness of life, word has it young Pietro has psychokinetic powers. A tender portrait of a young boy, and an allegory of the science of invisible forces.
가난하게 살아가던 목공 제페토 할아버지는 멋진 꼭두각시를 만들어 돈을 벌 계획을 세운다. 나무를 구해 꼭두각시를 만들던 할아버지는 깜짝 놀란다. 나무 인형에게서 심장이 뛰는 소리가 들리고, 움직이기 시작한 것이다. 제페토 할아버지는 ‘피노키오’라는 이름을 지어주고, 아들로 삼기로 한다. 하지만 호기심이 많은 피노키오는 말썽만 부리며 할아버지를 걱정만 하게 만들고, 심지어 학교 책을 팔아 인형극 구경을 가게 되는데…!
The Clandestine Journey: Lives of Saints and Sinners
A surreal travel drama, shot on Sicility with Italian actors. IlViaggio Clandestino is a film about saints and sinners. Whether you areblessed or doomed is often dependent on someone's soul that on whether theypray or suffer. The kindred spirit of San Gil ! the Holy Gil ! is CiccioBavaria who, unilke the former, continues to seek sin. For Bavaria sin isliberating and dynamic. The film tells the story of the journey made by thesetwo protagonists; a journey that leads to the demise of San Gil, while Bavariais reincarnated as Buddha. There is another traveller, a clandestinetraveller. Christ, always fleeing the angels. This Christ does not helphumanity with miracles, but by keeping himself alive as best he can givingweather forecasts.In this strange sainty story, Ruiz allowed himself ot be inspired byapocryphal books about saints of flesh and blood.
Toto and Vice
Adapted from Franco Scaldati's play, the movie transposes the story of Totò and Vicé from the theatrical representations to urban scenes. Totò and Vicé are timeless creatures, bewildered and misplaced, that roam about Palermo, marooned and empty; an urban journey and waking life between memories and dreams in one magic night. Out from a timeless cave, their story of sanctification crosses the suburbs, reaches the city and it's bowels, showing the real settings of Scaldati's writing and cosmogony.
Toto and Vice
Adapted from Franco Scaldati's play, the movie transposes the story of Totò and Vicé from the theatrical representations to urban scenes. Totò and Vicé are timeless creatures, bewildered and misplaced, that roam about Palermo, marooned and empty; an urban journey and waking life between memories and dreams in one magic night. Out from a timeless cave, their story of sanctification crosses the suburbs, reaches the city and it's bowels, showing the real settings of Scaldati's writing and cosmogony.