Mikiya Sanada

Mikiya Sanada

출생 : 1974-05-04, Tokyo, Japan

프로필 사진

Mikiya Sanada

참여 작품

연두벌레의 꿈
A pair of parking guards, Makoto and Shige, they are dispatched from a private company and are employed by the country as public servants. They crack down on illegal parking relentlessly, and because of their appearance, they are called “Euglena,” green tiny organism. Makoto, a straight arrow, strictly clamps down all the unlawful parking cars, but Shige, a loose cannon, pardons girls who park illegally. These two people receive a business request at a downtown area in the middle of the night because they’ll get more money than doing in the daytime. However, night-time working becomes totally different then usual.
대 여배우 살인 사건 ~거울은 가로로 매일 깨진다
대여배우가 주최한 호화로운 파티에서 한 여성이 살해되지만 용의자 투성이인 사건 현장에서 수사는 난항에 빠지고 연속적인 살인사건이 일어나는 이야기를 그린 드라마
Thank you to a wolf
Tamaki Kashimura returned to Chichibu to visit her father's grave and remembered her childhood.
전쟁과 한 여자
disabled soldier
전쟁 말기, 어두운 시대 속에서 절망과 허무함에 허덕이는 알코올중독 소설가와 성(性)불감증 매춘부가 ‘전쟁이 끝날 때까지’ 라는 단서를 달고 끊임없이 서로를 탐닉한다. 한편, 전쟁터에서 오른팔을 잃고 귀환한 병사는 전쟁 트라우마로 인해 아내와 더 이상 정상적인 성관계를 할 수 없게 되고… 어느 날, 몇 명의 남자들에게 강간을 당하는 여자를 보면서 흥분하는 자신을 발견하는데….
일본 관동지방의 최대폭력조직 산노우회 소속인 이케모토는 본부로부터 무라세 조직과의 친밀한 관계를 지적받고 부하인 오오토모를 이용하여 무라세 조직을 처리하기로 한다. 오오토모 조직의 함정에 걸려든 무라세 조직은 2명의 조직원을 잃고, 두목인 무라세마저 큰 상처를 입은 채 조직의 사업장을 이케모토 조직에게 넘기고 은퇴한다. 오오토모 조직은 무라세 조직의 사업장을 인수해가는 한편 카지노 영업을 시작하지만, 이케모토의 방해로 생각만큼 수익을 올리지 못하게 된다. 설상가상으로 오오토모는 이케모토에 의해 산노우회로부터 파문을 당하게 되고, 모든 것을 잃은 오오토모는 이케모토에게 복수하기로 하는데...
Sensual Ward: Wet Red Lips
The Slit-Mouthed Woman is a striking example of Pink Cinema that mixes horror with eroticism in a way that is both unsettling and genuinely original. A young couple enter a hospital after rumours that a demonic spirit known as the slit mouthed woman had been seen there. Once inside, they are possessed by an overwhelming desire to have sex and sneak off into an empty room to satiate their lusts. Then out of the darkness a perverse and disfigured woman appears and confronts them.The Slit-Mouthed Woman, a.k.a Kuchisake, is an original hybrid of pink erotica and horror from the controversial J-sploitation director Takuaki Hashiguchi whose previous films include the disturbingly nasty Woman Prisoner Torture. The Slit-Mouthed Woman features impressive special make-up effects from Takashi Oda, who worked alongside the acclaimed actor/director Beat Takeshi Kitano on his Yakuza action film Sonatine.
Twitch: You Are My Toy
Minori is a head-strong photographer who is romantically involved with Kushida, her editor. On a photography assignment she gets into an argument with her subject, Ageha, a female erotic manga artist who, like Minori, is 30 and single. Shin'ichi, the journalist on the assignment, receives most of the blame for the failure of the project. Minori sleeps with Shin'ichi, then discovers that her own position is not as secure as she thought, when she suspects that Kushida is also involved with Ageha. The series of events causes Minori to reconsider her own lifestyle.
The Suicide Manual
After a group suicide, two journalists investigate the cycle of suicides caused by spirits bound by the Suicide Manual.
The T-Back Game
Yuki is hunger and dreams to become a great star. Although she joins a talent company to train herself, she gets no improvement as all her job is not directly related to any acting role. When she feels upset and disappointed about her future, her company requests her to join a T-Back Water Game from a TV station. At the same time, Yuki is broken up with her boyfriends. What will happen in the T-Back Water Game?
배틀 로얄
극심한 사회혼란을 겪고 있는 일본. 학급붕괴와 범죄에 노출된 청소년들을 강력한 생존 능력의 소유자로 만들기 신세기교육개혁법(BR법)이 공표된다. BR 법은 전국의 중학교 3학년 중에서 매년 한 학급을 행동범위가 제한된 일반인이 없는 장소에 이송하여 지도와 일정의 음식, 그리고 여러 가지 무기를 나눠 주고, 마지막 한 사람이 남을 때까지 서로 죽이게 한다는 법률. 제한 시간 3일 동안 위법 행위에 구애받지 않고 서로를 죽여야 한다. 수학여행을 위장하여 무인도에 도착한 학생들은 마치 게임처럼 진행되는 상황에 경악하지만, 생존을 위해 결국 서로의 목숨을 빼앗기 시작한다.
Life Cycles
Nowadays, abandoned bicycles are a common sight in front of stations in Tokyo. The number of abandoned bicycles is unparalleled in the world, and there are concerns about how to deal with them. The protagonist is a worker who removes such abandoned bicycles. The job involves removing other people's bicycles without asking, which naturally leads to constant trouble during the work. Is it his own fault? Is the world to blame? The man begins to ask himself. The stress of his job causes him to start taking pleasure in riding his bicycle around town at night. But what he sees is nothing but a wild landscape. One night, while riding his bike as usual, the man sees something else...
Life Cycles
Nowadays, abandoned bicycles are a common sight in front of stations in Tokyo. The number of abandoned bicycles is unparalleled in the world, and there are concerns about how to deal with them. The protagonist is a worker who removes such abandoned bicycles. The job involves removing other people's bicycles without asking, which naturally leads to constant trouble during the work. Is it his own fault? Is the world to blame? The man begins to ask himself. The stress of his job causes him to start taking pleasure in riding his bicycle around town at night. But what he sees is nothing but a wild landscape. One night, while riding his bike as usual, the man sees something else...