아동 학대 사건을 조사하던 중 클레어는 가족이 초자연적인 존재에 의해 고통받고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다. 가족을 구하기 위해 그녀는 자신의 두려움에 맞서고 새로운 투시력을 사용하여 사악한 세력을 막아야 한다.
끔찍한 일이 벌어졌던 그날 밤 이후, 비밀스러운 과거를 가진 소녀 ‘피닉스’와 함께 세상과 단절된 일상을 보내던 눈 먼 노인 ‘노먼’ 어느 날 밤, 정체불명의 괴한들이 침입해 ‘피닉스’를 납치하고 소녀를 되찾기 위해 잠들어 있던 그의 광기가 다시 깨어나는데… 그는 과연 소녀의 수호자인가 괴물인가? 9월, 어둠 속 진실이 밝혀진다!
Liz and Andrew are on their anniversary trip in Hawaii when Liz wakes up to discover her husband missing and evidence of an invasion all around her. But with no witnesses, she's immediately labeled the prime suspect. Without any help from the system that failed her, Liz must solve the crime herself with the possibility that her husband may still be alive.
Little Girl
A Wiki-Leaks release illuminates the collusion amongst politicians and the medical industry that drives the cost of medical care to an unattainable price for the middle class. With the guilty parties' names and addresses being released, a vigilante movement springs up around the Untied States. After his father loses the battle with cancer, Mason, along with Thompson and Bobbi, seek violent justice and hope for riches along the way. A shotgun blast sparks a string of unintended consequences that leads the group down a dark road.
What if the real Santa was an assassin kids could hire to kill their parents, and the only way you got to him was through a kid that had already used him?