The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has lasted 100 years. 100 years of war, bloodshed, bitterness, suffering. 100 years of stalemate, intransigence and failed peace deals. And now, it’s all over! They’ve finally found the solution: A game of soccer. The winner gets to stay. The loser leaves forever. And no whining.
Moti Cooper
Brothers Yaki and Shaul live with their parents in Petah Tikva, a satellite town of Tel Aviv. Yaki is doing military service. As for all other 18-year-old Israelis, this means he is allowed to carry a gun. This weapon gives the brothers the power to change their lives and that of their family – or so they believe.
그들의 관심은 돈이 아니라 복수에 있다!? 똑똑하지만 학교에서 따돌림을 받는 소심한 소년 ‘요나산’(길 블랑크)은 어느 날 아버지가 근무하는 은행에 들렀다가 자신의 눈앞에서 아버지가 병으로 쓰러져 죽는 광경을 목격한다. 실의에 빠진 ‘요나산’에게 할아버지 ‘엘리야후’(샤손 가비)는 아버지가 죽은 것이 은행 때문이라며, 은행을 털어서 복수를 하자는 황당한 제안을 한다. 여기에 가는 곳마다 사람들의 마음을 사로잡는 영국 귀족 ‘심슨’(패트릭 스튜어트), 바람잡이 역할을 할 절름발이 노인 ‘닉’(모니 모쉬노프)까지 가세해 은행털이는 장난이 아닌 현실이 되고, 앞도 잘 못 보고, 총도 잘 못 쏘고, 말도 잘 나오지 않는 이들 ‘할배’들은 마침내 작전을 개시하는데… 올겨울 추위마저 잊게 맞들 어르신들의 활약이 펼쳐진다!
Gabi cuts off the water supply to people who don’t pay their bills. There’s no choice, it’s either that or unemployment. The more he cuts off, the more money he makes. Like a thief he sneaks into back yards, where the water meters are and like an executor he roams the neighborhood streets. When people see him they curse and humiliate him. They blame him for their situation. Gabi keeps cutting off water, he has a family to support. How long will it be before he breaks?
A love triangle between the primitively superstitious Rahma, her rude husband Robert, and the ghost of Rahma's beautiful sister Marie who died from the pain of banishment.
Izhak Ben Shmuel
Gony's father lost his reputation, his pride and his desire to live after serving a short prison sentence twenty years ago. A little later he lost his wife, Gony's mother, to cancer. Since then, at age seven, Gony, an only child, has served as her father's emotional crutch, living through his terror and loss. Now, at twenty-five, Gony is about to make her first steps into the world. But before being allowed to begin her life, she must overcome the grip of her father's desperate loneliness and sense of loss.
This film describes Israel as a country already far beyond identity crises in which anarchy is everywhere, violence is the norm and life is ruled by the world view of "the stupid, the evil and the corrupt".
A young French couple deals with ramifications of world events on their relationship as Saddam Hussein threatens to launch SCUD missiles on Israel.
A working-class guy meets the beautiful model from the billboard. But a few more people are involved. Here, the guy is married and his daughter has a crush on the weatherman. The weatherman wants to marry the cosmetics queen from the billboards. The cosmetics queen kind of likes the guy's sidekick. The sidekick kind of likes the guy's daughter, although she's in high school and the age difference would raise anyone's eyebrows.
Moshe Amar is a once poet and now a "businessman" who left his wife with their new born in Israel twenty years ago and spent them in the land of limitless possibilities trying to leave a mark of immortality but, up to that point, only got the marks that frantic debt collectors are more than happy to give. Tsach is the abandoned son who is now a skilled sniper in the Israeli Army. Tsach resents his father for both abandoning his mother for 21 years and not attending her funeral.
When one of the brothers (Ohayn) dies, all the whole family comes for Shiva (Jewish tradition,when the family sits seven days at the home after the death one of their family). A large family with a lot of problems and conflicts between them.
Gili sees his father as a vampire feeding off the energy and vitality of his family. With no real ability to resist, he watches his father humiliate his mother and his little brother. Reluctantly, he joins a family trip to the desert which leads to a terrifying sequence of events.
Mike Harari
전 세계의 이목이 집중된 1972년 뮌헨올림픽. 모두가 스포츠의 환희와 감동에 열광하는 가운데 끔찍한 인질 사건이 발생한다. 이 사건은 전 세계에 TV로 생중계가 되고, 팔레스타인 무장 조직 ‘검은 9월단’은 인질로 잡았던 이스라엘 선수단 11명을 살해한다. 전 세계는 엄청난 충격과 혼란에 휩싸이고, 팔레스타인은 이제 세계가 그들의 목소리로 귀기울이게 되었다고 자축한다. 하지만, 팔레스타인에 대한 보복을 결심한 이스라엘은 ‘검은 9월단’이 했던 것처럼 세계인의 이목을 끌 수 있는 비밀 공작을 준비하게 되고…. 이스라엘 정보기관 ‘모사드’는 최정예 요원들을 소집, 기록조차 없는 비밀 조직을 만들고 ‘검은 9월단’에 대한 복수를 명령한다. 조국애가 깊은 ‘모사드’ 출신 비밀 요원 ‘애브너(에릭 바나)’를 리더로 도주, 폭발물, 문서위조, 뒷처리를 담당하는 전문가들로 암살팀을 구성한다. 뮌헨 사건의 배후 인물로 지목된 팔레스타인인은 모두 11명. 이스라엘 비밀 요원들은 이들을 한 명씩 찾아내 치밀한 복수를 시작한다. 하지만 그들은 목표물을 제거할수록 조국의 임무와 복수의 정당성 사이에서 고민하기 시작하고, 살인에 대한 죄책감을 느낀다. 동시에 자신들 또한 누군지 모르는 암살팀의 표적으로 쫓기게 되는 아이러니한 상황에 빠져든다. 애브너와 비밀 요원들은 점점 더 큰 두려움과 죄책감에 사로잡혀가는데….
A man enters the car and drives it to a local car dealer where he hopes to sell it. It seems that he has moved back from Canada and cannot afford the tax on the car. The dealership is manned by two. One appears to be the worker of the pair - keeping the cars clean and running. The other is a cookie cutter version of many auto salesmen to be found everywhere in the world. He is Shmuel, the apparent owner of the lot and has seen the same car in a German dealer's catalog priced at €50,000. He conferences with Siso, the worker of the pair, whose financial support he needs and convinces him to invest in the purchase of the car. In the typical car dealer fashion, Shmuel makes a deal to buy the car from the "ignorant Arab" for €5,000.
The story of one woman's personal battle for acceptance, but also a portrait of a political movement that has forever affected millions of lives in the Middle East.
군 소속의 최고요원이 대통령 딸의 납치를 둘러싼 국가권력층의 음모를 추적하는 내용의 서스펜스 스릴러물. 극도 보안을 요구하는 특수 임무를 수행하는 군소속 요원 로버트 스캇은 대통령의 딸 로라 뉴튼이 납치되자 신참 커티스와 함께 그녀를 구하는 임무를 명받는다. 그는 대통령 보좌관, 비밀 요원, FBI 및 CIA 요원 등으로 구성된 특수 조직과 함께 작전을 수행하게 된다. 사건은 고위층 인사의 정치적 야심과 맞물리면서 더욱 복잡하게 진행되는데...
Cafe Tales is the story of five Israeli men and their efforts to save a local cafe from demolition.
Three stories set among the Bedouin of Jahalin in the hills of the Judean desert. On an almost deserted highway, two Israeli truckers strike a Bedouin lad accidentally. Before they can flee, the boy's people appear and circle the truckers. Retribution? In a tent, elders judge a woman seeking divorce; she wants to leave with her young daughters. They deny the suit. That night she gathers her girls and runs. Her husband pursues her. The Bedouin maid of a married Israeli hot-house farmer is discovered in adultery; with her life in danger, she seeks protection from her lover. He turns her away and involves a Bedouin farmhand in disposing of her. What tribal justice awaits?
Shalom Shalom
An excessively ambitious police investigator pursues a tip that a singer with underworld ties is responsible for a recent robbery/homicide, becoming obsessed with the case and the suspect's wife.
"On Air" (aka "Zman Avir") is a 1999 Israeli film directed and written by Isaac Zepel Yeshurun. The film is an allegory of the complex Israeli society and tells the story of a former member of the Shin-Bet with family problems who leaves on a secret mission.
Little Benjamin and Margalit are raised in the boondocks of Israel by their long-suffering mother, but they have in them something of their father, who can't stay in a place with no prospect of riches and excitement.
In spite of blood ties to both Haifa's Jewish and Arab populations, Moshe (Moshe Ivgy) leads a rootless existence. Grown weary of his impatient wife Didi (Keren Mor) and ambivalent about his needy young mistress Grisha (Natali Atiya), the only relationships Moshe doesn't complicate are with his devoted parents, Jewish Hanna (Meron) and Arab Yussuf, and with Jules (Juliano Mer), Moshe's ne'er-do-well childhood friend. But when Jules' real estate developer brother moves to buy a prized piece of property from the Arab side of the family, Moshe's divided ancestry is put to the test.
On the day he is released from prison, Yisarael appears on the doorstep of the woman whose life he had changed. A weird relationship develops between the two.
This mythic love story set in a timeless, lavishly colorful and mystical Jerusalem incorporates hard rock, striking set design, computer-generated imagery and modern-day tensions between the secular and the Orthodox worlds. Hanan, a handsome young traveler - who has pierced ears and wears grungy flannel shirts - falls in love with Lea, the beautiful daughter of a leader in the religious community. Unbeknownst to the couple, a deal was struck, years earlier, in which they were promised to each other by their fathers. When Hanan consults with a master of Kabbala, a set of mysteriously forbidden eleventh-century texts unleashes untold powers, merging the erotic with the divine and affirming love's infinite potential to transcend all obstacles. The lovers are played by Yehezkel Lazarov (Waltz with Bashir) and Ayelet Z'urer (Angels & Demons; Vantage Point). (from
Itzik Finkelstein
In this surreal comedy, a ghost monk convinces Itzik, a keychain importer living with his mother, to take revenge on those who are responsible for his pathetic situation. Surprisingly, the collaboration with the monk improves Itzic's life.
This 1990s film from Israel focuses on a group of teenagers who go on the run after accidentally killing someone.
The touching story of Victor, who lives with his mother in the really bad part of town and runs an illegal TV cable station. One day he sees the beautiful Michaela and falls madly in love with her. So desperate to make her love him back he finally snaps, and sits in the rain, all night, waiting for her. Placed in a mental institution for his own sake he meets several colorful characters, such as the mysterious Levanah with whom he becomes sexually involved. Finally, one day, Michaela comes to visit him...
A popular Israeli musical comedy about petty criminals.
1983년 텔아비브. 차 한대가 인적이 드문 거리에 고장이 나서 서 있다. 두 명의 젊은이가 장관 공관을 감시하는 모사드 예비시험을 치르고 있는 중이다. 그러나 그들은 경찰에 연행되고 구타당하며 고문받고 곧 석방된다. 그 중의 한 명이 프랑스인 아리엘 브레너다. 그는 그의 18살 생일을 지내자 마자 그의 누이동생과 가족 그리고 파리에 있는 집에 말 한마디 없이 이스라엘로 온다. 그의 목적은 전설적인 모사드의 요원이 되는 것이다. 4년 동안 그는 교관인 '요씨'로부터 힘든 훈련을 끝내고 파리에서 이스라엘에 위협이 되는 핵 연구를 하는 핵물리학자를 포섭하는 임무를 책임지고 공작을 했지만 실패를 하고 결국 공작을 음모와 모략에 뛰어난 선배 공작원 '요씨'에게 넘기고 만다. 요씨는 유명한 뮌헨 복수조의 ?? 요원이었는데 그는 아리엘을 계속 곤경에 빠뜨린다. 이 공작에서 아리엘은 실패를 하지만 애틋한 사랑의 감정을 미인계로 썼던 콜걸 '마리'에게서 느끼게 되고 공작 실패 후 사라져버린 '마리'를 그리워 하게 된다. 미국 워싱턴으로 온 아리엘은 미국에서 정보수집을 하는 미국인 '펠만'과 공작을 하지만 '펠만'의 뜻하지 않은 실수로 정체가 노출되면서 이 공작 마저 실패하게 된다. 실패한 미국정보원 '펠만'을 이스라엘은 잔인하게 외면하게 된다. 많은 음모와 계략이 판을 치는 첩보 세계의 모든 기술에 익숙해진 아리엘은 이미 모사드의 뛰어난 전문가가 되어 있었다. 점점 그는 실수가 용납되지 않으며 신이 아니라 운명이 지배하는 세계에 대해 회의를 느끼기 시작한다. 운명이었는지 그는 그토록 그리워 했던 여인 '마리'를 공항에서 우연히 만나게 되는데.
A comedy about not so successful businessman who suddenly becomes a spiritual leader of a new cult.
An Israeli soldier is taken hostage by a small PLO squad in Lebanon. The soldier planned to go on vacation and to fly to the world final soccer cup, he and his capturers share the love to soccer and toward the (not so happy) end a relationship is made.
Directed by Ram Loevy.
Directed by Gur Heller.
A funny comedy about a battle for a chairmanship of condo association. AKA Condo Mishmash
Arab Student
An American ambassador to Israel tries to bring peace to the Middle East conflict through unconventional methods, but his efforts are hampered at every turn and his personal life threatened.
Rabbi Kuni Lemle has just finished a Torah and is going to donate it to a congregation in Cairo. In exchange for the Torah scroll, the congregation in Cairo will give Kuni's congregation some antique coins valued at a million dollars. Kuni's twin brother's bosses hear about it and they make Muni dress up as Kuni so that he will get the coins instead. Muni gives the coins back to Kuni and the movie ends with a bunch of dancing Hassidim.
Momo Danino
In a rendition of a father-daughter conflict based on misunderstandings, this melodrama focuses on Annette (Nurit Cohen) who has left home for the city where she is unexpectedly offered a leading role in a movie. She is excited as she returns home to tell her news to her father (Zeev Revach) -- a truly conservative shopkeeper -- but she is equally anxiety-ridden about his likely reaction.
Four men whose combined intellect does not reach into the triple digits decide to steal a safe full of foreign currency - not from a local bank, but from the police station.
A story about a young fisherman Avi who doesn't lose his optimism even during the most difficult times.