Unfamiliar stories that are universally relatable, these teenagers are put into situations which they have no experience deal with. A reflective anthology of French short films exploring the elation and heartbreak of not quite knowing who you are yet.
세상에 나온 지 이틀 만에 엄마와 이별한 아기, ‘테오’. ‘테오’는 위탁보호사 ‘장’의 손에 잠시 맡겨지고, 그 사이 사회복지센터와 입양기관 담당자들은 ‘테오‘를 받아줄 가족을 찾는데…… 과연 ‘테오’는 자신을 사랑해줄 가족을 만나 행복해질 수 있을까?
Rouen in 1986. Out of love, out of boredom, by chance, by a miracle, or perhaps by mistake, Franck suffers a capillary shock that will change his life in his rainy town.