Three women in Yokohama who have their own troubles and thoughts and are seeking salvation. They relied on the “date therapists” to heal the women, save the world, and be lovers for one night.
Takagi Tsukasa
The story revolves around battle between two high school in SWORD area, Oya High School and Senomon Technical High School. The Head of Senomon Technical High School build a "three-school alliance" with two other school, Kamasaka High School and Ebara Commercial High School, and expand it's power to aim the neck of Oya High School. Men of Oya High suddenly caught and attacked. Could Fujio protect them with his own fist? The battle to decide the real Teppen is about to begin.
Yuma Mutsumi
Kae is a fat high school girl who is a 'fujoshi', which is girls who enjoy reading homosexual romance novels. She is dismayed when her favourite character is killed off. She is unwell and refuses to eat. She loses weight. As a side-effect she is thin and suddenly popular at school. Boys begin to pursue her. She has a choice of suitors and can pick a boy of her liking. They are all pretty.
Mitsuteru Tendo
Shintaro Ando has become Noble Dori after various confrontations. Now, the noble group, who are led by Shintaro Ando, has battles over the title of Legend ("Densetsu") against the prince group, who are led by Kanade Suzaku.
Takagi Tsukasa
일명 '칠흑의 흉악고교'로 악명높은 오야고교. 그곳에는 정시제와 전일제로 나뉘어 정시제의 리더 무라야마 요시키(야마다 유키)가 오야고교의 우두머리를 맡고 있다. 오야고의 전일제로 전학온 하나오카 후지오(카와무라 카즈마)는 언젠가 무라야마와 1대1 맞대결에 도전장을 내밀기 위해, 전일제 천하를 손에 넣을 야망을 갖고 있다. 현재 오야고교의 전일제에는 실력 최강을 자랑하는 토도로키(마에다 고키)와 시바만(류), 츠지(스즈키 타카히데)의 토도로키 일파(派)와, 이학년을 장악한 나카고시(카미오 후주)와 일학년을 장악한 나카오카(나카지마 켄)가 통솔하는 나카・나카 일파(派), 미친 듯한 전투 공략으로 벼락출세한 야스시(사토 류지)와 키요시(우에키야 사토시)가 통솔하는 야스・키요 일파(派), 후지오와 그의 소꿉친구 츠카사(요시노 호쿠토)와 부하 쟈무오(후쿠야마 코헤이)가 장악한 츠카사 일파(派) 등, 새로운 세대가 패권을 다투는 전국시대를 맞이한다.
Kouki Tendo
A school has a competition every 3 years in which they pick a Prince of Legend. 14 males students take part in the competition.