Giulio Girola

Giulio Girola

프로필 사진

Giulio Girola

참여 작품

The Assassination of Matteotti
Vittorio Emanuele III
How the Italian Fascist Party managed to turn the physical elimination of a political enemy into a test of strength fundamental for the ascent into the totalitarian regime.
La resa dei conti: dal Gran Consiglio al processo di Verona
Vittorio Emanuele III
The Sexual Revolution
Dino Segre
Fourteen people of different ages - seven men and seven women - gather in a comfortable hotel by the sea to carry out an experiment inspired by the theories of an Austrian psychoanalyst. The creator - Professor Emilio Missiroli - wants to show that only a thousand breaking taboos' that stifle the sexual life can liberate man from his existential malaise. Every night, so, for a whole week, men and women of the group will couple through a draw, without giving any importance to their feelings, thus demonstrating that these can and should do without. Based on Wilhelm Reich's The Sexual Revolution.
A Man for Burning
Political activist Salvatore returns to his native Sicily and stirs up trouble among the peasants, urging them to confront the Mafia and demand the right to plough their own fields. The peasants refuse to help him, and Salvatore is marked by the Mafia as a troublemaker.
Appuntamento in Riviera
Commendatore Bassi, l'editore
In the study of a lawyer, two young spouses tell their story. The singer Tony manages to reach the much coveted success, and can thus marry his girlfriend. But a clause in his record contract obliges him to remain a bachelor for two years.
Don Camillo: Monsignor
Grotti, il padre di Rosetta
Don Camillo (now bishop) and Peppone (now senator) return to the town of Brescello and rekindle their friendly rivalry.
Genitori in blue-jeans
The Divorce Lawyer
Some middle-aged Italian men try to have affairs with much-younger girls.
달콤한 인생
Police commissioner
삼류 신문의 사교계 담당 신문기자인 마르첼로는 사치스럽고 방탕한 생활을 하던 중 우연히 한결같이 반복되는 일상사에 진력을 내는 마달레나라는 여인을 만나 사귀게 된다. 마달레나는 마르첼로에게 고혹적인 분위기를 지닌 매춘부, 아르디아나를 소개시켜준다. 스스로도 주체할 수 없는 자신의 방탕한 생활에 회의를 느끼던 그는 어느 날 절친한 친구 스타이너가 자살했다는 소식을 듣고 더욱 실의에 빠지면서 삶의 가치와 의미에 대해 회의를 품게된다.