Wong Yung

Wong Yung


Wong Yung (Chinese: 王戎, born 2 January 1941) is a Taiwanese actor.

프로필 사진

Wong Yung

참여 작품

Queen's High
Under intense pressure from his gang rivals, Kwanny’s brother nevertheless encourages her to go ahead with wedding plans. As their family and bodyguards gather at the ceremony, the opposition strikes – leaving Khan in a wedding dress firing a submachine gun while her husband and brother are killed. After taking over the weakened gang Kwanny initiates negotiations, then leads a vengeance raid on the opposition. In the course of these proceedings she discovers the treachery of her other, adoptive brother. This ultimately leads to a confrontation with a Japanese gangster and his assistant, as well as the numerous men on their payroll at her company’s warehouse. Whoever prevails must then face the waiting police.
Queen's High
Under intense pressure from his gang rivals, Kwanny’s brother nevertheless encourages her to go ahead with wedding plans. As their family and bodyguards gather at the ceremony, the opposition strikes – leaving Khan in a wedding dress firing a submachine gun while her husband and brother are killed. After taking over the weakened gang Kwanny initiates negotiations, then leads a vengeance raid on the opposition. In the course of these proceedings she discovers the treachery of her other, adoptive brother. This ultimately leads to a confrontation with a Japanese gangster and his assistant, as well as the numerous men on their payroll at her company’s warehouse. Whoever prevails must then face the waiting police.
Spirit Love
Ginny is a beautiful but very brittle singing star who agrees to be the face of a new hotel and a new drink. But she is tortured by the suicide of her lover the previous year. Soon, Ginny is found dead, hanging in her bathroom. The company directors panic and try to cover up. But Ginny's ghost obligingly reappears, and directs a junior staff member to a house in the country where a lookalike replacement can be found. Now, if they can only figure out a way of feeding Ginny's ashes to the double, they'll have her under their control....
My Mind, Your Body
shaw production
The Supreme Swordsman
Supreme Swordsman
A rampaging swordsman slices and dices his way across China on a bloody mission to cut down every warrior in his way, and claim the blade of the legendary Supreme Swordsman in this Shaw Brothers classic starring Derek Yee and Jason Pai Piao, and directed by Keith Li Baak Ling. But when the son of a slain sword maker emerges as an unexpected challenger, the ruthless killer realizes that he may have finally met his match.
Dr Wang
내용은 택시 기사 차우와 결혼한 지 4개월 밖에 안 된 미인 아내 아이린은 카지노 딜러로 일하는데 젊은 사업가인 팡밍과 눈이 맞아서 남편 볼래 바람을 피고 불륜 관계를 맺었다가, 지나가던 남자 두 명에게 간살 당한 뒤 차우가 흑마술사를 찾아가 아내를 종귀로 부활시켜 원수들에게 복수하는 이야기다.
Men from the Gutter
Xu Wen
A hot-head cop, a by-the-books cop, and a hitman all vie to take down a drug boss. Meanwhile, a gang of criminals plan to rob an armored truck.
Chief Qing Song
대협 운비양(서소강 분)은 천하무적이 된 후 강호에 싫증을 느껴 은거하는데 우연한 기회에 육단과 소자를 만나게 된다. 육단은 본디 조정 충신의 후예인데 환관 유근의 모함으로 일가족이 피살되자 성격이 거칠게 변한다. 게다가 애인, 패패가 오라버니에 의해 강제로 입궐되어 왕비가 되자 천잠마공을 익혀 정덕황제에게 복수하려 한다. 한편 도둑인 소자는 잔꾀가 많고 정의감이 넘치는 젊은이로서 우연한 기회에 천잠신공을 익히게 된다. 나중에 운비양과소자는 모왕-륭고의 암습을 당해 중상을 입게 되는데 운비양은 애인 - 당녕의 희생으로 목숨을 건지게 되지만 삶의 의욕을 잃고 자신의 공력을 모두 소자에게 주입시켜 준다. 소자는 죽음의 문턱에서 천잠재변을 얻어 공력을 더욱 크게 증진된다. 육단은 마공을 터득한 후 더욱 사악하게 변해 황위까지 차지하려 하고 소자와 생사일전을 벌인다. 결전을 앞두고 승리를 쟁취하기 위해 그는 소자의 애인 주청조를 가해한다. 소자는 8할의 공력으로서 주청조의 목숨을 구하지만 결전이 벌어지면 영락없이 죽게 될 것이다. 헌데 천잠신공이 뜻밖에도 또다시 변화를 일으켜 소자는 한순간에 최고의 경지에 도달하게 되는데...
Usurpers of Emperor's Power
Liu Yung plays Li Lang, a court official out to avenge his former emperor. The target is easy to hate: the power-hungry Kuang-yi (Chao Kuo) is a plundering rapist and a cold-blooded murderer. But can one man take on the imperial army?
Prince Tian Di
수정으로 조각한 인형에 사람의 피가 묻으면 살아 움직인다. 이를 수정인이라 하는데 독을 내뿜는 신무기와 대항해 싸우게 되는데...
The 82 Tenants
Master Luo Shi Hai
In “82 Tenants” the widow Zhang and Bing, her new young consort, want to sell an apartment house to a property developer but old man Zhang's will provided that the current tenants can stay there as long as they want or the building survives. So it is clear who the villains are—joining the greedy couple is Chao who has purchased all the land around the building but needs this final piece so he can know everything down and build a money spinning edifice. One the other side are the tenants, a disparate group whose grudgingly and occasionally antagonistically shared communal life, while not ideal, is certainly better than not having a place to live.
Lu Fei Ching
중국무협소설의 신필로 일컬어지는 김용의 원작을 바탕으로 제작된 은 진가락을 중심으로 한 홍화회 영웅들의 활약상을 그린 작품이다. 어느 날 밤, 반청복명을 꾀하는 홍화회 타주 우만정과 서열 4위인 문태래는 건륭제를 만나기 위해 은밀히 황궁을 찾는다. 그런데 이들이 면담을 마치고 돌아간 지 얼마 지나지 않아 건륭제는 이들을 척살하라는 명령을 내린다. 이 때 우 타주는 도상에서 병사하게 되고, 문태래는 주중영이 이끄는 철담장에 몸을 숨기게 된다.
육소봉전기 - 결전전후
때는 명조, '대도괴왕'이란 살인마가 황실의 옥쇄를 훔쳐가자 황궁 금위대에서는 검신(劍神)으로 불리는 무림 고수 서문취설에게 도움을 청해 대도괴왕을 처단하지만 옥쇄의 행방은 묘연하기만 하다. 한편 검성(劍聖)으로 불리는 엽고성은 무림 최고의 무술인 천외비선(天外飛仙)을 펼 수 있는 고수 중의 고수로 선대 황제의 서출 출신이다. 이런 그가 어느 날 황실을 찾아와 잃어버린 옥쇄를 돌려주며 정월 대보름날, 황궁인 자금성에서 서문취설과의 결전을 제의한다. 그러나 이들의 목숨을 건 일생일대의 승부 뒤에는 황실 살인 사건과 관련된 음모가 도사리고 있었으니...
Corpse Mania
Police Chief Zhang
A necrophiliac killer is murdering the prostitutes at Madame Lan's brothel.
Chief Lei Xun
무림의 악한 무익편복을 제거하기 위해 28명의 무림정파 고수들이 출동하였으나 26명이 죽고 무익편복은 사마중원의 철장에 맞아 죽은 후 5년이 흐른 뒤, 무림은 또 다시 무익편복을 사칭하는 자의 공포에 휘말리고 이에 소칠과 진원표국의 사람들이 나서서 사건해결을 위해 동분서주한다. 그러나 갈수록 알 수 없는 사건에 휘말리고 강호는 또다시 혼란 속에 빠지는데...
Yeung Chun Yu
술과 도박에 빠진 것도 모자라 폭력까지 행사하는 나쁜 남편 양춘우에게 시달리던 병약한 아내 진세영이 병세가 악화되어 오늘 내일 하던 중 비가 내리던 어느날 하녀 양기오가 우발적으로 남편을 항아리에 빠트려 죽이는 일에 동참했다가 남편의 원귀에 시달리다 절명하고 그 사건에 숨겨진 진실이 드러나면서 벌어지는 이야기
Zhou Zhi-Pei
아편 밀매의 누명을 쓰고 15년간 감옥 생활을 한 후 누명 씌운 자를 찾아 복수의 길을 나선다.
Invincible Enforcer
Brother Meng Tian Long
A young man who is thrown into jail simply because he displeases a police inspector. But even when he's eventually released, the police continue to persecute him until he feels he has no choice but to become a real criminal.
Yin Nan Tien
강풍이라는 희대의 미남 무사가 이화궁(梨花宮)에 머물다가 두 궁주(宮主)의 사랑을 받지만, 그는 비인간적으로 냉철한 그 둘 대신 시중들던 시녀 화월노(花月奴)와 눈이 맞아 도망친다. 하지만 두 궁주의 사주를 받은 십이성상이라는 악당들에 의해 둘은 죽임을 당하고 십이성상은 이화궁주 중 동생에 의해 죽는다. 그 때 화월노는 쌍둥이를 낳고 죽게 된다. 이화궁주 요월은 자신들을 배신한 강풍과 화월노에게 복수하기 위해 두 아이들을 따로 떼어 먼저 태어난 아기는 자신들이 데려가고, 한 아이는 남겨놓아 연남천이 데려가게 한다. 이는 두 아이가 성장한 후에 서로 싸우게 해서 강풍과 화월노가 저승에서도 그 광경을 보고 고통 받게 하기 위해서이다. 두 쌍둥이 중 한 명은 강소어라는 이름을 받고 악인곡에서 희대의 지략과 무술을 갖추고 성장하게 되고, 다른 한 명은 이화궁에서 화무결이라는 이름을 받고 천하에서 손꼽히는 고수가 되는데….
Full Moon Scimitar
Liu Ruo Song
A talented young swordsman has beaten many veterans before his inherited martial arts manual gets stolen. After encountering his first defeat in life, in despair, he comes across a gorgeous girl, daughter of the head of a mysterious sect.
의천도룡기 대결국
Left Guardian Yang Siu
The thrills continue in this second part of this cherished adventure, created by the renowned director Chu Yuan and ingenious novelist Chin Yung. Only the union of the title weapons can save the six remaining martial arts sects who are vying for mastery. So just sit back and enjoy the movie event which spawned a legacy that continues even today with a long-running, internationally loved television series, a role-playing game, and even collectible replicas of the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre themselves!
Left Guardian Yang Siu
Director Chu Yuan's titanic teaming with respected, inspired author Chin Yung created this unforgettable saga. Set during the Yuan Dynasty, it tells the fascinating story of the "Sacred Fire" sect, the Wu Tang swordsmanship clan, the disciples of the O Mei group, The Book of Chu Yang, and the destruction of Shaolin - complete with a killer cliffhanger. And that's just the start of the fascinating intrigues and ingratiating characters found here.
Women of Desire
Shaw production
The Well of Doom
Iron Gun Six
A father tricks his three daughters into joining him on a mountain excursion to search for food. Deceiving his children, the father is actually searching for a hidden treasure relayed to him by an old monk.
Flight Man
Flight Man takes place in Taiwan in 1933, when the country was under Japanese occupation after the First Sino-Japanese War. The Taiwanese people have signed a petition to have the Japanese establish a Taiwan council, but instead this merely provokes the Japanese police to hunt down and round up everyone who signed the petition.
The Queen Bee
Hsiao Yen, a Young Country girl, has come to the city to find work. Her first job is as a maid-servant. She is told by the hunchback servant Lei Kung, that the master of the house is an invalid cripple who never leaves his room. One night, Hsiao Yen's screams bring Ta Tseng, the Chauffeur, to the rescue of Wang Ma, an old servant, who has tried to hang herself...
Imperial Tomb Raiders
Wang Jung is aided by a band of female warriors led by expert swordswoman Tso Yen Jung. Together they battle the bandits seeking to raid the emperor's tomb.
You Can Only Love Once
Taiwanese drama film.
Girls of the Night
They are the girls of the night. This is their base of operations, House 102, to be exact. Here they answer calls from the many hotels, ride out there on the back of motorcycles and give their jaded customers what is generally described as a nice time. Hu Ma, manager, transport man, body guard and procurer of House 102 discovers A-chiao at the railway station and is delighted to know she is a virgin...
Life with Mother
The Fake Tycoon
A detective writer and his girlfriend are involved in a mysterious case when he watches at his neighbor's house.
You Can't Tell Him
Kao Li Teh
A girl who weds her love against her wishes repents after their daughter is born and her decision makes her husband leave her. He returns 10 years later to see the child.
Five Plus Five
Comedy about five married couples — a pair of parents and their four daughters and sons-in-law. Li Li Hua plays the eldest girl, opposite her real-life husband Yean Chuan.
He Heals and Kills
Martial arts film from Taiwan
The Whirlwind Knight
Two halves of a treasure map owned by two brothers is the one thing that the Golden Dragon Gang wants to get, and they'll kill anyone who gets in their way. When the gang quickly dispenses with the two brothers in a blitz home invasion, their third brother, returning from ten years of wandering, arrives and teaches the gang a lesson they'll never forget--that is, if they survive at all! Henchman after henchman gets filleted like a brook trout as our hero literally cuts his way through a jungle of sword-wielding thugs, a trio of fancy-weapon gang leaders, and a masked ninja assassin that's killing people on both sides. Who will be left alive to claim the treasure? Find out in this high body-count wuxia classic.
Lady 9 Flower
When one of their brothers is murdered and their boss is held in the Prison, the Hwa Clan, led by the poisonous Lady Nine Flower. It is up to a desperate Lady Nine Flower to save the day.
The Gallant Knights
During the Sung regime, the Chins executed Yao Fei without giving him a trial. Li Pao and Liang Hsing who were Yao Fei's generals receive a treasure map which they divide into halves. Thus the drama begins.
The Bride & I
A comical look at the preparations and anxiety associated with marriage. As a young man searches for his ideal mate, he reflects upon this madness and has second thoughts about matrimony.
The Flying Swordsgirl
The traditional martial-arts action film Flying Swordsgirl offers a wealth of fights involving a variety of weaponry while telling the tale of a woman who learns to battle against the men.
The Absurd Brave
Wu Jie
The arrest and execution of the head of the outlawed Five Flower sect leaves his four offspring thirsty for revenge! But none of his children are more bloodthirsty than his eldest daughter. She leads her siblings on a murderous trail of vengeance, as they assassinate all of the officials involved in their father's execution, including the local governor. Chaos and lawlessness follow in their bloody wake. Somehow, Wu Liang, the governor's grown son, escapes the murderous wrath of the Five Flowers and finds his way to Master Ou, the absurdly deadly master of the martial arts. Can young Wu avenge his father and protect the public from the deadly Five Flowers when Master Ou treats the whole affair as a game? Find out in this wuxia classic!
Fight for the Agreement
To escape an arranged marriage, a young lord (Paul Chang Chung) flees to the hidden mountains of Sichuan to study martial arts from one of the world's greatest fighters. When his master is killed, the young warrior sets out to avenge his death, unaware that he's walking into a deadly battle with the woman (Bik Wan Lo) he left at the altar. The young lord is about to experience the true meaning of "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
The Road