Valentin Thurn

출생 : 1963-01-01, Stuttgart, Germany

참여 작품

Working But Poor - The Middle Class in Crisis
Citizens across Europe who used to belong to the lower middle class have fallen into poverty. An in-depth investigation into the precariat, a new social class of financially insecure citizens who, although they are employed, find it very difficult to make ends meet.
Light Falls Vertical
When filmmaker Efthymia Zymvragaki fled her native island of Crete as a young adult, she hoped to leave her violent childhood behind her. But in Spain, her memories are reawakened when a man asks her to make a film about him and his violence.
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A documentary in which Valentin Thurn follows five people on their path to self-realization. Among them is a lesbian couple who emigrate to Portugal with their seven children so that they can all develop freely and without compulsory education.
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A documentary in which Valentin Thurn follows five people on their path to self-realization. Among them is a lesbian couple who emigrate to Portugal with their seven children so that they can all develop freely and without compulsory education.
The Precariat Society
A third of Europeans live in economic insecurity: Zero hours contracts, the fear of redundancy and stagnating wages have brought more and more people into poverty and precariousness and provided fertile conditions for the political extremes. This documentary focuses on the new working poor, the precariat.
The Precariat Society
A third of Europeans live in economic insecurity: Zero hours contracts, the fear of redundancy and stagnating wages have brought more and more people into poverty and precariousness and provided fertile conditions for the political extremes. This documentary focuses on the new working poor, the precariat.
The Precariat Society
A third of Europeans live in economic insecurity: Zero hours contracts, the fear of redundancy and stagnating wages have brought more and more people into poverty and precariousness and provided fertile conditions for the political extremes. This documentary focuses on the new working poor, the precariat.
100억의 식탁
2050년에 세계 인구는 100억 명이 될 것이라 예측된다. 전문가와 식품산업계에 따르면, 이는 심각한 식품 부족현상을 일으킬 것이다. 영화감독이자 베스트셀러 작가이며 스스로를 ‘푸드 파이터’라 칭하는 발렌틴 투른은 인도의 씨앗은행, 태국의 곤충농장, 미국과 영국 그리고 독일의 도시 농장 프로젝트에 이르기까지 세계를 여행하며 생태적이고 경제적인 대안을 찾고자 한다. EIDF 2016 포커스: 자연과 인간 출품작.
Killer-Keime - Gefahr aus dem Tierstall
Food Savers
Taste the Waste
Documentary about how much food goes to waste in our society and why.
Taste the Waste
Documentary about how much food goes to waste in our society and why.
Essen im Eimer