Imke Büchel

출생 : 1961-01-01, Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

참여 작품

Kein einfacher Mord
Frau Hansen
Nina and Paul's marriage is over. They are just waiting for an opportunity to teach their son Tim. During a chance encounter, Nina flirts with Viktor, her son's hockey coach, and goes home alone with him. A decision with serious consequences. Nina is almost raped by him, defends herself and kills Viktor in the process. Paul has followed the two and witnesses the accident, which makes a self-defense situation implausible. Agitated, the two drive home without notifying the police.
Die Toten am Meer
Frau Wall
도주하는 아이
Frau Herzog
아홉 살 베니가 사랑을 찾아가는 거친 여정. 길들지 않은 그녀의 에너지는 주변에 있는 모든 사람을 절망에 빠뜨린다. 베니는 끝없이 집으로 돌아가고 싶다. 그러나 베니의 소망은 허락되지 않는다.
Schubert in Love
Olaf tries to make his dreams reality and thereby always gets into trouble with his surroundings. He meets his biggest obstacle yet when his father pressures him into having a child. Finding a woman becomes difficult when Olaf realizes that they have something he doesn't have: feelings.
Original Bliss
Helen Brindel is trapped in a violent marriage and the prison of her faith when she falls in love with a scholar, Professor Eduard Gluck. But he’s a secret porn addict. Slowly, carefully, two very different individuals get to know each other.
Simon Says Goodbye to His Foreskin
Simon Grünberg (12) never cared for his Jewish heritage, while his divorced parents bicker whether he should to his bar mithzva as father Frank wants, or save his foreskin as mother Hannah holds. When he falls in love at first sight of the new 'rabbi' Rebecca, Ben decides to join the preparatory religious class hoping to win her.
모스트 원티드 맨
Frau Elli
독일 최고의 스파이였으나 지금은 정보부 소속 비밀조직의 수장인 군터 바흐만(필립 세이모어 호프만). 정보원을 미끼 삼아 더 큰 목표물을 제거하는 데 탁월한 재능을 가진 그의 앞에 흥미로운 먹잇감, ‘이사’가 나타난다. 인터폴 지명수배자인 이사는 아버지의 유산을 찾기 위해 함부르크로 밀항한 무슬림 청년. 본능적으로 이사를 쫓기 시작한 군터는 이사를 돕고 있는 인권 변호사 애너벨 리히터(레이첼 맥아덤스)와 유산을 관리하는 은행장 토마스 브루(윌렘 데포)의 존재를 알게 되고, 두 사람을 자신의 정보원으로 섭외하는 데 성공한다. 그리고는 이사를 이용해 테러리스트들의 자금줄로서 각국 정보부의 용의선상에 오른 닥터 압둘라를 체포할 은밀한 작전을 설계하는데...
Helmut Schmidt – Lebensfragen
Edelgard Arnhold
Tania is an actress, 43. Thore is 15, a misfit in a small village at the northern tip of Germany. At the beginning of winter, Tania escapes from her numb life to the village. They meet. She decides to steal him from his parents.
The Red Spot
The Japanese student Aki Onodera travels in her family’s tracks from Tokyo to Germany. In idyllic East Allgaeu she meets the Webers, who take her in as their guest. But soon, the situation of the family becomes turbulent by her appearance…
Sooner or Later
Nora is fourteen and lives with her parents in a quiet Berlin suburb. She is a romantic introvert who spends her day retreated into her own enchanted dreamworld. Her parents, Anette and Uwe, are busy trying to handle reality; both are wrestling with unrealized hopes and dreams along with the added troubles caused by Anette's return to her studies and Uwe's struggling business. When Thomas, a former lover of Anette's and his family move in next door, the already fragile foundations of Nora's family are rocked.
Paula's Secret
Frau Jensen
"Everyone has dreams, and dreaming is never stupid." So says Paula, a girl whose dreams are as big as her heart. For a long time, Paula has kept a diary, and written inside are her biggest secrets. When her diary is stolen by a pair of child thieves, she is devastated. But Tobi, a fellow classmate, knows where the thieves live, and offers to help Paula in exchange for tutoring lessons to pass his English exam. What starts out as a simple routine soon turns into an adventure, and Paula and Tobi eventually discover that first impressions can sometimes be wrong, and that some things are more irreplaceable than others.
Peas at 5:30
It all starts with a bang. The car breaks through the crash barrier and falls off the bridge. The lights go out. After that, he is not able to see anymore. His optic nerve is severed, from now on the young stage-director Jakob is blind. His life will change and nothing will ever be the same. Jakob cannot handle the idea of never being able to see again and screams at the only woman who is able and willing to help him, Lily. A rehabilitation teacher, she helps the blind deal with the darkness. Lily has been living with it since birth, she too is blind.
Now or Never
Schwester Maria
Three elderly ladies, Carla, Lilli and Meta, who, after their hard earned holiday money is stolen by bank robbers, decide to steal from their local bank. Along the way their are romances, arguments and a few other unexpected surprises.