As the ice age dawned and the first snows began to fall, two shivering cavemen stumbled into a fierce blizzard and became entombed in ice. There they remained, frozen in time for fifty-thousand years… That is until a team of archaeologists discovered them and proudly brought them back to the Natural History Museum for all to see… But a short circuit in their cryogenic freezer has brought the two chums back to life. Now, when the coast is clear, and all of the visitors have gone home, STIX and STONES venture out into their confusing new world - where they get up to some serious Neanda-LOLs!
As the ice age dawned and the first snows began to fall, two shivering cavemen stumbled into a fierce blizzard and became entombed in ice. There they remained, frozen in time for fifty-thousand years… That is until a team of archaeologists discovered them and proudly brought them back to the Natural History Museum for all to see… But a short circuit in their cryogenic freezer has brought the two chums back to life. Now, when the coast is clear, and all of the visitors have gone home, STIX and STONES venture out into their confusing new world - where they get up to some serious Neanda-LOLs!
As the ice age dawned and the first snows began to fall, two shivering cavemen stumbled into a fierce blizzard and became entombed in ice. There they remained, frozen in time for fifty-thousand years… That is until a team of archaeologists discovered them and proudly brought them back to the Natural History Museum for all to see… But a short circuit in their cryogenic freezer has brought the two chums back to life. Now, when the coast is clear, and all of the visitors have gone home, STIX and STONES venture out into their confusing new world - where they get up to some serious Neanda-LOLs!
Kevin Slater / Harry Mosney (voice)
뭉고 모리슨은 고향의 전설적인 금광에서 일하기 시작한 어린 두더지다. 아무에게 말하지 않았지만 뭉고는 사실 프로 축구선수의 꿈을 갖고 있다. 불리한 조건에 맞서 친구들의 도움을 받으며 러시아 와일드컵 축구 결승을 향해 돌진한 뭉고는 전율, 웃음, 액션, 그리고 위험 가득한 대모험을 시작한다. 그리고 마침내 ‘보스’와 숨 막히는 결전을 치르는데…
Dying Soldier
Reflective drama of pioneering nurse, writer and noted statistician Florence Nightingale