Production Designer
Production Design
늦은 밤 터키의 한 마을. 서로를 깊이 사랑하는 엠레와 나즐리는 밤을 보내기 위해 호텔을 찾지만 혼인신고서가 없는 어린 커플이 투숙할 수 있는 곳은 아무 데도 없다. 둘은 호텔 직원을 속여 마침내 함께 있게 되지만 달콤함의 결과는 너무나 쓰라리다. 점차 보수적으로 변해 가는 터키의 사회 분위기와 곤경에 빠진 커플의 당혹스러운 감정을 놀랄 만큼 사실적으로 그려 낸 작품.
Production Design
하산은 아버지가 물려주신 밭과 과수원에서 하루하루 열심히 일하며 살아가고 있다. 그런데 어느 날, 에너지 회사의 직원이 찾아와 하산의 땅을 가로지르는 거대한 산업용 송전탑을 놓겠다고 통보한다. 하산의 반대에도 계획은 변경될 기미가 없고, 하산은 이런 현실 속에서 자신이 어떤 일을 할 수 있는지 고민하기 시작한다. 2021년 칸영화제 주목할시선 부문 상영.
Art Direction
Migrant workers working in the UK as Fatih Ayhan still running mate in the UK, has received large amounts of debt to send to his family in Turkey. The payment of this debt even after the Conqueror's return to Turkey will be requested during a visit to the family by Ayhan from Turkey. Claiming this debt ignites a wick within the family that lives in the same building and with intertwined economic interests. All clashes between family members come to the fore.
Production Design
Asli, a young mother who is trying to find a nanny to get back to work, finally meets young Gulnihal. Gulnihal is also a mother. With Gulnihal coming into her life, Asli faces her secrets which she has been avoiding herself.
Production Design
The film follows Samet, a young teacher, who is finishing his fourth year of compulsory service in a remote village in Anatolia, while hoping to be assigned to Istanbul. When he and his colleague Kenan are accused of harassment by two female students, he loses all hope of escaping the grim life he seems to be stuck in. But his meeting with Nuray, herself a teacher, may help him overcome his angst.