Wracked with guilt over his past, Mark, young and unemployed, is unable to cope with his despair. His chronically stupid flatmates are no assistance, and he turns to alcohol to numb the pain. However, things come to a head when Mark decides to attend a house party and things take a dramatic turn.
Wracked with guilt over his past, Mark, young and unemployed, is unable to cope with his despair. His chronically stupid flatmates are no assistance, and he turns to alcohol to numb the pain. However, things come to a head when Mark decides to attend a house party and things take a dramatic turn.
Wracked with guilt over his past, Mark, young and unemployed, is unable to cope with his despair. His chronically stupid flatmates are no assistance, and he turns to alcohol to numb the pain. However, things come to a head when Mark decides to attend a house party and things take a dramatic turn.
Gray Skin
1960~1980년 사이 영국에 나이지리아 아이들이 백인 노동자 가정에 위탁되었다. 이것을 비공식적으로 ‘파밍’이라고 불렀다. 많은 영국인들이 이주민 유입에 대해 공개적으로 분노를 표출하기도 했다. 내륙 도시들에서는 우익그룹들과 이주민의 충돌로 소요사태가 벌어지기도 한다. 정부는 악화일로의 폭력사태 진압에 애를 먹고 있다. 나이지리아 이주민들은 그들대로 문화적 적응을 위해 분투하고 있다. 이 작품은 그때 입양된 한 아이의 실제 이야기를 근거로 만들었다.
An interview between a murderer and his brother-in-law.
An interview between a murderer and his brother-in-law.
The Man
A man wakes up in the middle of the night to find his son is missing.