Yelena is an activist fighting for the rights of cotton pickers. Mukhabbat is a farmer struggling with the hardships of rural life... COTTON 100% is a story of two strong women facing the challenges of a society where forced labor is a norm.
Creative Producer
Mukhabbat, an Uzbek immigrant, works at a conveniece store on the outskirts of Moscow. Just like the rest of the immigrants at the store, she is forced to work without getting paid and endure mental and physical abuse, until the day she overcomes her fear and takes her fate into her won hands.
공원이나 공공 정원 대신에 새로운 교회를 짓는 데 반대하는 지역 주민과 독실한 정교회 신도 사이의 갈등은 러시아 수도권 지역에서 흔히 찾아볼 수 있는 문제다. 러시아 정교회는 모스크바 정부와의 협력하에 '200개의 교회' 개발 프로젝트에 착수하였고, 이로 인해 모스크바 내에서 심각한 갈등이 발생하기 시작했다. 영화는 신도들과 공원을 지키고자 하는 이들 사이에 벌어지는 불침번과 몸싸움, 상호 비방을 담으면서, 작은 공원 '토르판카'를 둘러싼 분열과 갈등의 실상을 파고든다. (서울환경영화제)
Creative Producer
In present day Moscow three childhood friends in their forties - former school band players - live their everyday lives of a police officer, a taxi driver and a surgeon. They have lost track of each other. Three stories of betrayal, love and ageing are told in parallel. In fact, unknown to our heroes, their paths cross and their lives become connected. But they are not aware of it even when they reunite for a breaking performance at their graduation anniversary.