In 1991, during Guatemala's Civil War, Daniel and his friends just want to have fun. They travel with baseball bats but their goal is not a game, it is a hunt. They tour through the city looking for low-class indigenous people known as breaks. They don't know why they do it, they just know that they are anti-breaks.
In 1991, during Guatemala's Civil War, Daniel and his friends just want to have fun. They travel with baseball bats but their goal is not a game, it is a hunt. They tour through the city looking for low-class indigenous people known as breaks. They don't know why they do it, they just know that they are anti-breaks.
태양풍이 강타한 중앙아메리카에는 사상 초유의 정전 사태가 5일이나 지속된다. 불시착으로 큰 상처를 입은 파일럿, 병원에서 위기를 겪는 딸을 찾아 먼 길을 떠난 할머니와 손자, 고층 고급 아파트에 갇힌 주인과 가정부, 15세 생일을 망치게 된 소녀 등 모두 이 위기의 상황을 헤쳐 나가기 위해 고군분투한다. 코스타리카, 엘살바도르, 과테말라, 온두라스, 니카라과, 파나마의 감독들이 의기투합한 6개국 공동제작 옴니버스 영화로, 정전을 모티브로 어둠 끝에는 항상 빛이 찾아온다는 삶의 진실을 따뜻한 시선으로 바라본다.
Tomas' 3-year-old daughter was kidnapped by soldiers during the war in Guatemala, and 20 years later, he learns that she is living only 150 miles away.
Despite having a loving wife, a fulfilling career and a great house, successful businessman Santiago risks it all when he has an affair with a beautiful stranger during a work trip to Mexico.
Despite having a loving wife, a fulfilling career and a great house, successful businessman Santiago risks it all when he has an affair with a beautiful stranger during a work trip to Mexico.