The Oresteia is a trilogy of Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus in the 5th century BC, concerning the murder of Agamemnon by Clytemnestra, the murder of Clytemnestra by Orestes, the trial of Orestes, the end of the curse on the House of Atreus and the pacification of the Erinyes. The trilogy—consisting of Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides—also shows how the Greek gods interacted with the characters and influenced their decisions pertaining to events and disputes. The only extant example of an ancient Greek theatre trilogy, the Oresteia won first prize at the Dionysia festival in 458 BC. The principal themes of the trilogy include the contrast between revenge and justice, as well as the transition from personal vendetta to organized litigation. Oresteia originally included a satyr play, Proteus, following the tragic trilogy, but all except a single line of Proteus has been lost.
Mrs. Gardner
한 때 미국 정부의 전설적인 암살자였던 '칼빈'은 제 2차 세계대전 당시 히틀러를 암살하며 전쟁의 과정을 바꾸었다. 현재는 퇴역 군인으로 노년을 보내고 있는 그에게 FBI 수사관이 찾아온다. 치명적인 바이러스에 감염되어 사람들을 위협하는 빅풋을 찾아 제거하라는 임무를 받게된다. 젊은 시절, 국가를 위한 비밀 임무로 인해 사랑하는 연인을 두고 떠났던 '칼빈'은 또 한번 국가를 위해 임무를 수행하게 된다.
Gretchen Dunham
Ann Dunham an energetic and free-spirited girl who loves hockey, dance class, and video games. When Ann asks Santa Claus to turn her into a boy for Christmas, her request throws her conservative mother into a tailspin. Dear Santa is a lighthearted look at the complicated, funny, and sometimes dysfunctional ties that bind a family together.
Twelve actors spend six months on a cramped bus, lose their lead actor, play 71 roles, and learn to work in spaces that wont hold their set, all while reconnecting with their passion for performing, receiving a great review in the New York Times, and bringing classical theater to America in The Acting Company's 37th Season.