Ryan Graff

참여 작품

Sound Mixer
After having their first child, an interracial couple struggles to hold onto their marriage while dealing with temptations in pursuit of normalcy.
40 Minutes Over Maui
Sound Mixer
In the middle of a peaceful Hawaiian vacation, a couple has to grapple with a crisis that may not only forever affect their lives, but also all of humanity.
108 Stitches
Annoyed Student
With baseball being the last thing on these player's minds, and dealing with one of the longest losing streaks in college history, the team of misfits comes to the realization that the school, led by the corrupt and unethical President of the University, has plans to disband the entire program. Hilarity ensues as they have one afternoon to execute a plan to fill the stadium, sign the top recruit on the planet, and help send their coach out with a bang.
네이비씰: 어둠의 전쟁
First Assistant Director
해병 특수부대인 씰 6팀의 소속인 데이비스는 팀과 함께 전쟁을 치루다 팀원을 잃는다. 하지만 슬퍼할 겨를도 없이 다음 작전인 이라크 침공 작전에 들어가게 되는데.. 최선봉에 서서 적진에 침투하는 씰 6팀은 극한의 환경, 최악의 상황 속에서 적진에 들어가 목표물을 파괴하라는 명령을 받고 적진 한가운데 들어가 작전을 펼치게 된다. 과연 그들의 작전은 성공할 것인가!
Mother Dearest
Sound Recordist
A tale of twisted love and inherited violence told through the mind of Little Ripper.