Leena Vanhamäki

참여 작품

스튜핏 영 하트
Työvoimatoimiston virkailija
동네에서 가장 인기 많은 10대 소녀 ‘키라’는 별 볼일 없는 평범한 소년 ‘레니’와 가벼운 연애 중이다. 어느 날 두 사람은 아무런 준비 없이 임신 소식을 듣게 되자, 크게 고민하지 않고 아이를 낳기로 결심한다. 하지만 기대와는 다른 현실을 조금씩 마주하며 둘의 관계는 서서히 멀어지게 되는데...
Vihainen marsu
Mother's friend
The Angry Hamster is a short story about Tomi, a socially excluded man who lives with his mother. The young man's dauntingly routine everyday life is interrupted when his mother takes Tomi to town to celebrate his 23rd birthday. Tomi, who makes laconically analytical observations in his mind, is forced by a new situation to face his own feelings and prejudices about the world. Is life just a total misery, or is it not, after all? Perhaps the twisted world straightens out if you look at it from an even more twisted angle.
Naked Harbour
Businesswoman (uncredited)
Naked Harbour is a movie about Finnish love in the year 2011. It is a story about people who seek love and acceptance at any cost. During one winter week all its characters face something irreversible.