두 여왕이 공존할 수 있을까? 스코틀랜드 여왕 메리와 잉글랜드 여왕 엘리자베스. 한쪽은 가톨릭교, 한쪽은 개신교. 한쪽은 세 번의 결혼을, 한쪽은 국가와의 결혼을 했다. 강한 두 여성이 맞붙었다. 하나의 종교, 하나의 왕관을 위해.
Everything Adam knows about love, he learned from the movies. Unfortunately, Adam is no Cary Grant, and the closest he's come to experiencing true romance is one drunken night with his unrequited love, Kate. But that evening failed to live up to Adam's expectations, so he casts himself and Kate in a movie recreation of their one night, hoping for a better ending. It's a total flop, and Adam is forced to cast a new Kate when she no longer wants any part of her part. But re-casting Kate leads to an ending that even Adam never saw coming, in this playful comedy about love, movies, and how our love of movies affects how we love.