François Martin Saint Léon

참여 작품

The Other Louis
Delegated Producer
Who remembers Pierre Céran? Nobody except Louis, his old friend, who is worried about not having any news. Especially since the last time he saw him, Pierre Céran was not well. Louis goes to look for him.
The late dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu, who died in 1989, resurrects in 2021 as a hologram to address the contemporary inhabitants of a small Romanian village. What happens next is captured in a hybrid documentary, observing the effects this unusual encounter has on the people involved, many of whom are first-hand witnesses of Ceaușescu’s rule.
La Fille oblique
Executive Producer
A storm breaks out in a high mountain village. Thirty-year-old Maude then discovers a mysterious bird, which will inevitably lead her to a witch's abode.
죽음의 무도, 해골 그리고 환상들
‘죽음의 무도’가 민간 신앙에 그치는 것이 아니라 중세를 지나 15세기 유럽 근세의 시작을 알리는 것이라면? 이는 프랑스의 대표적인 영화와 이미지 이론가이자 철학자, 예술평론가, 작가이기도 한 장 루이 쉐퍼의 가설이다. 히타 아제베두 고메스와 피에르 레옹 감독은 쉐퍼와 함께 프랑스와 포르투갈 곳곳을 누비며 그의 생각을 대화의 형태로 담아냈다. 또한 그의 생각을 뒷받침하는 그림과 벽화에 대한 해설은 물론, 장 르누아르와 루이스 브누엘 등의 영화 자료와 쿠르트 바일, 모차르트의 음악을 통해 관객에게 깊이 있는 인문학 강의를 듣는 것과 같은 느낌을 전해 준다.
Territorial dispute have always been in the center of most human conflicts. The territorial notion thrives for possession and power, resulting in invasive actions and occupation. UIP is the abbreviation for "United Israel Palestine". It is a title referring to a possible future scenario for Israel and Palestine set in the year 2027. In this scenario the international society, governed by the United Nations, is the new occupational power and therefore an international court administers the conflicts. Through this court the film unfolds and it is from a juridical perspective that all territories, bodies, ownerships and legacies are viewed. In contrast psychological relations, both private and public, appears painfully clear.