The film follows a rebellious teen named Cassie Vanderbilt, whose wild streak escalates as her caring father Lucas decides to take her and his new wife Sarah out of the city for some bonding and quality time together. But after Cassie crosses the infamous McKinley family, it becomes clear that sometimes danger lies hidden in the weeds, ready to strike at any moment.
Executive Producer
The unique Bennett-Song family learns the true meaning of the holidays as they solve a community crisis and adapt to big changes. Everything you want in a holiday film: love, the power of belief, laughter, tears, and new musical classics.
The unique Bennett-Song family learns the true meaning of the holidays as they solve a community crisis and adapt to big changes. Everything you want in a holiday film: love, the power of belief, laughter, tears, and new musical classics.
Miranda Pellegrini
뇌를 다른 몸에 이식하는 기술에 반대하는 브리짓. 부자들은 몸을 바꿔 영원한 생명을 갖길 원하고 킬러를 고용해 브리짓의 가족을 납치하고 협박한다. 겨우 피신한 딸은 참전 용사에게 도움을 요청하고 영생의 뇌이식 음모를 파헤치는데...
A psychic reader and Medium is invited to a party. Something goes very wrong and something comes over from the other side to haunt the people from the party. They must solve the mystery before it's too late. Agramon will not be easy to stop.
하루에도 수십명씩 사라지는 어둠의 도시, 마약을 밀매하는 러시아 범죄조직에 이용된 죽은 여성들에게는 치사량 이상의 마약이 몸 속에서 발견된다. 폐허로 변해가지는 이 도시의 배후에는 러시아 범죄 조직을 봐주는 시장이 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 러시아 범죄조직은 시장과 사이가 틀어지자 딸을 납치하게 되는데...
When two very unique and diverse families with 7 kids each collide, they find laughs, music, love, and a few answers about what it means to be a not-so-normal American family in the 21st century.