핀란드의 퀴어 예술가 토베 얀손에 대한 전기 영화. 토베는 화가로서 자신을 지지해 주지 않는 아버지와 갈등을 겪지만, 2차 세계 대전 도중 방공호에서 창작한 무민 캐릭터로 점차 명성을 쌓아간다. 한편, 연극 연출가 비비카 반들레르와의 만남과 관계는 토베의 삶과 예술에 중요한 영향을 가져 온다.
A quiet staircase of an ordinary office building. Two colleagues, Markku, an older accountant, and Eeva, younger HR manager are heading down the stairs, one after another. It turns out that earlier that day, Eeva has had to tell Markku that he has been fired from the company after many years. Markku is bitter and full of rage. Then something unordinary happens.
Marion wants to marry her female friend Julia. Marion has grown up in a religious family where her mother became a liberal priest. Young women have lived openly in a relationship, but now Marion's thoughts have changed. He finds himself a new life in the fundamentalist Simeon church led by his grandfather grandfather. Marion's mother Henry, one of the first female priests of the Lutheran Church, cannot stand the idea of her daughter attending a congregation that opposes female priesthood and homosexual relationships.