New beginnings have disastrous consequences as a young woman starts college and quickly finds herself trapped inside a secret society that has sinister motives. As the society isolates her from her family with increasing intensity, she must decide whether to resign herself to their deadly manipulation, or if she will fight back to stop them once and for all. ~Courtesy of
Anika and Charly are rivals from opposing volleyball teams. Each year, the teams pull pranks on one another. Things begin to get out of hand when the volleyball partner of Anika is found dead. Charly becomes the target of some extreme pranks, as the season progresses, with all the signs pointing in Anika's direction. Even Charly’s teammates seem suspicious as well. Charly now only trusts Becky, her new friend, and the team's intern. As Charly and Anika find themselves in a cabin together, tied up, they must figure out who has it in for them.
브레슬린 형사는 마약 카르텔에 납치된 아내를 찾기 위해 필사적으로 노력하는 무자비한 해커 캘로웨이와 마주칩니다. 캘러웨이가 경찰의 구금에서 탈출하자 브레슬린은 수감자를 되찾기 위해 엉뚱한 여성 경찰과 힘을 합친다. 하지만 캘러웨이의 범죄 조직 두목 아버지는 이 폭발적인 상황에 어떻게든 연루된 것일까?
Grace's life begins to unravel when a woman with sinister intentions moves into her guest house.
Jack and Parker work to seal a Hidden Side hole when a fire ghost escapes covered in a strange silvery substance and reveals that their world may be doomed.
After speaking at the Wakanda Embassy, Black Panther fights Thanos and fends him off with the help of fellow Avengers Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, and Black Widow. After regaining conscious, Thanos is approached by Erik Killmonger and Ulysses Klaue in a plot where they will obtain the Vibranium in Wakanda to empower Thanos. When Black Panther discovers this plot, he must work with Shuri, Okoye, and the Avengers to defeat them.
Join your favorite NINJAGO heroes at a very special dojo training session exclusively here at LEGOLAND! Become part of the 4D action as Master Wu prepares the ninjas to take on the teachings of the mysterious ‘Scroll of the 4th Dimension’ but with disastrous consequences. Kai, Nya, Lloyd, Zane and Cole find themselves in a whole heap of trouble for not only them, but for the whole universe! LEGOLAND needs YOU to help harness the power of the elements in this amazing 4D experience that will leave you in a spin!
Original Music Composer
After a near-fatal accident, on a horse the experts thought was nothing special, a determined rider from the wrong side of the tracks defies all the odds to pursue her dreams of winning a national jumping championship.
Emmet, Wyldstyle, Unikitty, MetalBeard and Benny reunite at the invitation of a shady new character, Risky Business, who plans to open a curious theme park bearing a suspicious resemblance to LEGOLAND®.
A new Rookie team has been assigned to complete their training with Stormer and his crew - but someone from Stormer's past is trying to take down the Hero Factory and Stormer himself.
엑스포 행성 교도시설을 탈출한 은하계에서 가장 사악한 마법사 멀록, 중세 애쉴라 왕국의 황금검을 노린다.
황금검을 지키고 우주의 평화를 위해 레고시티 최정예 대원들이 뭉쳤다. 레고시티 최고의 탐험가 클러치 파워, 미모의 과학자 팩, 무기전문가 브릭, 그리고 레고팀 최고 실력의 기술자 버니. 사악한 마법사와 해골전사들과 맞선 중세시대부터 우주에 이르기까지 시공간을 넘나드는 위험한 모험이 시작된다.
Arthur Fol attempts to get Peg's second hair back from the planet Ashlar by using his new invention, the Interstellar Portateller ray, but brings back characters from the film as well.
Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact with water and begins to wreak havoc on the country side.
Original Music Composer
내 생애 마지막 임무가 될 것이다! 닉은 마을에서 모리스 일당을 물리치고 평화를 가져온다. 보안관 직을 은퇴하고 FBI 요원 케이트와 딸 사만다와 평화롭게 조용히 살기 위해 달라스로 향한다. 그런 어느 날 마약 조직의 증인을 보호하던 케이트의 수사팀이 전멸하고 케이트는 총상으로 혼수상태에 빠지게 된다. 살아 남은 케이트마저 제거하려는 킬러들의 습격에 닉은 혼자 맞선다. 대의 명분이 아닌 사랑하는 사람들을 지키기 위하여 닉은 거대한 범죄 조직, 부패한 경찰들과 결전을 벌이게 되는데...
프라하에서 죽었다고 알려진 정체 불명의 특수 요원 조나단 콜드. 그는 악명 높은 무기 판매 조직의 두목을 탈출 시킨다. 그들 조직은 미국을 공격 하려는 테러리스트에게 핵 무기를 팔아 넘기려 하는데 CIA 는 이 모든 행동을 감시하고 있기 때문. 무기 거래가 성사 되던 중 조나단의 부하 요원이었던 아만다가 잡혀오고 조나단은 치열한 총격전 끝에 아만다와 함께 탈출을 감행한다. 이때 CIA의 내부 조직 중 일부가 아만다의 동료를 살해하고 조나단과 아만다에게도 총격을 가한다. 이제 조나단 콜드와 아만다는 세계의 비밀 정보 조직과 무기 밀매상, 테러리스트들의 살인 표적이 된 채 핵 공격의 대 재앙을 막고자 목숨을 건 사투를 벌이는데...
Original Music Composer
정부조차 그 존재를 알 수 없는 비밀 조직 '포리너'. 지하세계 최고의 처리사로 신분을 위장하고 잠입한 조나단(스티븐 시걸)은 보스 마르케로부터 밀폐된 상자를 전달받아 의뢰인에게 보내라는 임무를 부여 받는다. 그러나 문제의 상자는 16년전 사상 초유의 항공 테러로 기록되었지만 범인은 미스테리로 남아있는 미결사건의 실마리가 담긴 비행기의 블랙박스. 최종 수신자의 배후를 밝혀야 하는 조나단은 위험을 각오하고 프랑스로 향한다. 하지만 한적한 접선지에서 갑자기 들이닥친 특수부대원들과 총격전 끝에 가까스로 목숨을 구하지만 또 다른 음모가 숨겨져 있음을 직감한다. 동료조차 믿을 수 없는 킬러의 세계에서 호시탐탐 자신을 노리는 암살자들과 전쟁을 벌이며 어렵사리 사건의 열쇠를 쥐고 있는 의뢰인의 저택에 잠입한 조나단. 그러나 거대한 배후 세력을 밝혀내야 하는 그의 임무는 점차 예상을 넘어선 치명적인 음모 속으로 빠져들게 되는데...
A burned out L.A. detective moves to Hawaii, where he stumbles upon a murder at a college sorority reunion.
미 해병대 대령인 싸익스는 마약상을 진압하는 과정에서 마을 전체를 폭파시키는 만행을 저지르게 된다. 이 사건으로 싸익스와 그 휘하에서 지시를 받고 작전을 수행했던 부하 3명이 군법회의에 회부된다. 싸익스는 부하들의 미래를 위하여 유죄를 인정하기는 하지만, 재판장인 프레스콧 장군은 싸익스의 부하들에겐 불명예 제대와 제대 수당 무효를 명하고, 싸익스에게는 일급 감시 교도소에서의 종신형을 선고한다. 싸익스는 교도소로 송환되던 중 부하들의 도움으로 탈출하고, 부하들과 함께 프레스콧 장군이 반테러 정상회담에 참석하기 위해 오른 비행기에 동승하게 된다. 비행기가 이륙하자 싸익스와 부하들은 비행기를 공중으로 납치하고 모든 승객을 화물실에 가둔다.
A Presidential candidate running against the Vice-President plans a trip to the Balkans to negotiate the release of American servicemen being held hostage. Before he leaves, he receives a disk documenting evidence that the Vice-President has been trying to revive the American economy by causing a war in the Balkans. He plans to show it to both sides in the hopes of ending the situation. However, Secret Service agents hijack the Concorde he is on and kill the pilots. It's up to an Air Force officer, nicknamed "Washout" because he can't fly a plane, to land the Concorde. Written by Leigh Roche
A dangerous criminal hijacks a plane with his fellow prisoners and threatens to crash it into a populated area. The agent who captured him sets out to stop him.
A black ops unit goes to middle east after a terrorist. They are betrayed and their operative is caught. Later, unit leader starts an investigation. Meanwile the enemy offers the operative a chance for revenge against his superiors.
This is the story of a modern day pirate mad man and his crew of eight, searching for fortune on a cruise ship but a small group of passengers fight back.
Over one hundred years ago, a cataclysmic chain of events plummeted the earth into the dark ages which destroyed most of civilization, and the remaining few survivors attempt to change the course of events that led to the destruction.
A man finds out that he was brainwashed to kill an important government official.
Original Music Composer
A renegade general plots to bomb Washington using a new top secret jet called the Storm Catcher. The only trouble is only one man is capable of flying it. So they seek to put him on the run in a conspiracy that makes him appear to have murdered several men and stolen the plane. Then try to murder his wife and take his daughter prisoner. Threatening to kill his daughter if he doesn't help, he appears trapped. However, his best friend who is the plane's computer specialist has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Original Music Composer
A prestigious senator and the passengers on board a train are kidnapped by a militia group.
머프 대위가 이끄는 미 육군 공수부대는 상관인 레이놀즈 대령으로부터 스텔스 전투기를 타고 중앙 아메리카에서 중미 최대의 마약사업을 벌이고 있는 살바토레의 사업을 종식시키고 포로로 붙잡혀 있는 리프 중위를 구출하라는 명령을 받는다. 작전을 수행하는 머프 일행은 오히려 살바토레에 붙잡히고, 포로로 생각했던 리프가 마약 거래업자들의 끄나풀이라는 사실이 밝혀지는데....
Original Music Composer
Robert Woodfield is a criminal defense attorney, and he has defended a lot of criminals, many of whom are guilty, but has maintained that everyone deserves a competent defense, which he provides whether they are guilty or not. Currently he is defending Martin Ritter, a killer, whom he gets off. Later he has dinner with a friend, and his friend tells him that he needs to talk to him about something important. He is about to leave when some masked men go to his friend and kill him, when one of the men takes off his mask; it's Martin Ritter. Now being his lawyer, Robert can't say anything about what he saw. But that doesn't stop him from investigating what his dead friend was so worried about. It seems that he has stumbled onto something big, and instead of killing him they frame his wife for murder to get him to back off. But he doesn't and both his wife and him are now in danger. And still has no idea what's going on. Will he find out before they get to him?
A journalist gets pulled into an intrigue by his editor that involves a story that he received a Pulitzer for years before. It seems that the second largest diamond ever mined was used during World War II to buy a Jewish woman freedom from a prison camp. Only trouble is it disappeared after the war and now everyone is after it, including the Russians, former Nazis, gangsters, and the original owner. Somehow, the story that the journalist originally wrote about a camp survivor is believed to have leads to the diamond.
When the top secret prototype of the Nova Stealth fighter has been stolen, the Pentagon launches big alarm; the plane shouldn't come into hostile hands...
US Navy medical officer Jake Fuller is assigned to a goodwill visit aboard a Russian submarine. But he and his companion, Lt. Swain, end up alone among terrorists, who have taken over the submarine and threaten to fire its nuclear weapons.
Using ultra-advanced technology, scientists aboard Scorpio One have made a monumental discovery -- and paid for it with their lives. Now, with time and oxygen running out, Scorpio One is about to become ground zero for an explosive showdown high above the Earth, where the stakes are nothing less than the future of the world.
Original Music Composer
NASA and its Soviet-Russian counterpart prepare another mission to the permanent space station.
Two feuding half-brothers are both assigned to the same aircraft carrier. The carrier is sent to the Persian Gulf and their personal problems are put behind them, while they deal with a Iraqi military officer who has decided to stage a coup. The brothers move in to deal with the problem, but soon find themselves fighting the rebels as well as regular Iraqi troops. When one brother gets in trouble, the other comes to the rescue.
The crew of the nuclear submarine USS Ulysses rescues supposed victims of a boat disaster, but the victims turn out to be terrorists intent on capturing nuclear weapons aboard the sub. Only a former SEAL, now a submarine consultant, can save the crew by sliding aboard while the sub is underwater. The term "crash dive" refers to the sudden dropping of a sub to escape detection, an act that a nuclear sub is never supposed to make. Of course, it comes into play in this film.
Rick Harding is a former Marines officer, now working in the FBI as a chemical weapons designer. While packing up for the night, a group of armed soldiers led by wanted criminal Carlos Gruber, break into the FBI research lab. They steal large amounts of a newly created germ warfare chemical called Bromax-360, loosing two of their men in the process before escaping into the night.
A fragile and sultry young woman claims to be the innocent victim of multiple attackers, but something doesn't quite add up. Maybe it's the way men turn up dead after spending the night with her. Maybe it's her cloudy past. Maybe it's the shady psychologist who interferes with the investigation.
A mysterious ship is found adrift in mid-ocean without a crew. But this mystery is soon forgotten when Captain Ramsey, his two sexy first mates and the crew discover its precious cargo of ancient Aztec treasure. However, their joy quickly succumbs to greed, paranoia and fear, as they must battle the murderous creature which guards the accursed treasure.
Driven to drink by his wife's death, a tormented doctor is committed to an experimental rehab.
Original Music Composer
The real story behind the hunt for Theodore J. Kaczynski, later known as the Unabomber, a terrorist who sent several bombs through the mail, alarming authorities and society. The movie follows a postal inspector who tracks down the suspect; a obstinate detective; and Kaczynski's brother, who suspected of Ted after the publishing of his manifesto explaining the reasons for the bombings.
Star hunters are the space monsters who hunt helpless creatures for pleasure. One night couple of high school fotball players and their cheerleaders are returning home after the lost game. But, when their bus makes the wrong turn, they are going to meet those creatures, and the real game will begin.
When you're a natural born Aphrodite on the run from sadistic drug dealers, there's only one place to hid - the dingiest bar in town. That's just what luscious, leggy Tamra does, but she can't lay low for long: when the jukebox starts playing she's got to move to the beat. In the blink of an eye, Tamra seduces the bar owner and turns the joint into the most outrageous strip club this side of Vegas. When her violent past finally catches up with her, you can be sure this modern day Salome stays on top!
Jamie Miller is having a bad day. Her mom remarried a jerk and gave away her dog, and tomorrow doesn't look much better. But everything changes when she meets a runaway baby elephant named Trouble! When her newest buddy is recaptured by a mean old circus ringmaster, Jamie and her friend Harry the Magician hit the road to save him. She's looking for Trouble, but what she finds is pure adventure!
Walter Paisley, a busboy at a cappuccino bar called the Jabberjaw, is praised as a genius after he kills his landlady's cat and covers it in plaster. Pressured to produce more work, he goes after bigger subjects.
Original Music Composer
In 1934, J. Edgar Hoover and the boys made headlines for mowing down John Dillinger in a hail of bullets outside Chicago's Biograph theater. But in fact, according to this Jon Purdy gangster thriller, the Feds iced Dillinger's brother. Fast-forward five years, when mobster kingpin Al Capone (F. Murray Abraham) gives the real Dillinger (Martin Sheen) an offer he can't refuse: rob millions from a secluded vault or watch his wife and child get whacked.
Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad.
When a petty criminal escapes from jail, she lays low by posing as a babysitter for two semmingly precious children. But when she decides to sell them for a quick profit, she gets more than she bargained for. A wildy clever family comedy in the tradition of "Home Alone" and "Mrs. Doubtfire".
An explosives expert fleeing his past and a beautiful spy trading sex for secrets find themselves in love and fighting the spy ring out to kill them.
마블 코믹스의 슈퍼히어로 팀 판타스틱 포를 원작으로 한 작품으로 로저 코먼과 베른트 아이힝거가 저예산으로 제작하였다. 1994년 개봉 예정은 잡혀 있었으나 여러 사정으로 개봉하지 못했다
Don "The Dragon" Wilson struggles to regain his memory, not knowing who to trust, or even which side he's fighting on.
Original Music Composer
경찰 생활을 청산하고 무술 도장을 운영하는 잭은 생명의 위협을 받고 있는 가수 샤나의 경호를 맡게 된다. 60년대의 곡 '내 사랑'을 리메이크해 일약 스타덤에 오른 샤나가 어느날 토막난 여자의 손가락을 선물로 받고 무술이 능한 잭에게 신변 보호를 요청한 것. 잭은 처음엔 그녀를 좋아하는 극성 팬들의 단순한 장난으로만 생각하고 대수롭지 않게 여긴다. 그러나 손가락이 잘린 여자들의 시체가 연쇄적으로 발견되자 그는 본격적으로 범인 색출에 뛰어들고 킥 복서 챔피언을 지냈던 존 스위트가 범인이란 것을 알아낸다. 이를 눈치챈 범인들은 잭과 샤나를 처치하러 하지만 그때마다 가까스로 위기에서 벗어난다. 결국 잭은 샤나를 지켜주고 자신의 안전을 위해 존 스위트의 소굴로 뛰어드는데...
Original Music Composer
A string of murders at a local strip joint give a reporter the chance to do undercover investigation. She gets a job as a stripper at the establishment, where she befriends some of the other women, who know more about what is happening than they have publicly admitted. As she gets closer to the truth, her life is put in jeopardy.