René Goscinny
출생 : 1926-08-04, Paris, France
사망 : 1977-11-05
René Goscinny was a French comics editor and writer, who is best known internationally for the comic book Astérix, which he created with illustrator Albert Uderzo, and for his work on the comic series Lucky Luke with Morris (considered the series' golden age) and Iznogoud with Jean Tabary.
Goscinny was born in Paris in 1926, later moving to Argentina, New York, and later back to France to join the French Army in 1946. He served at Aubagne, in the 141st Alpine Infantry Battalion. Promoted to senior corporal, he became the appointed illustrator of the regiment and drew illustrations and posters for the army. The following year, he illustrated the book The Girl with The Eyes of Gold and returned to New York. Goscinny then became art director at Kunen Publishers where he wrote four books for children. He went on to create for numerous magazine, cartoon and publishing agencies including World Press agency, Edipress/Edifrance, and TinTin magazine, among others.
In 1975 Goscinny's made script titled "Le Maître du Monde" (Master of the worl) which he sent to Peter Sellers asking if he would be interested in playing the main role, receiving no response. The following year The Pink Panther Strikes Again (staring Sellers) was released, containing many similarities to Goscinny's script. Goscinny tried to sue the director Blake Edwards but the lawsuit was cancelled due to Goscinny's death in 1977.
It’s the year 50 BC. The Empress of China has just been imprisoned following a coup d’état incited by Deng Tsin Qin, a traitorous prince. Helped by Finalthesis, the Phoenician merchant, and her faithful bodyguard Mai Wei, the Empress’ only daughter Princess Sass-Yi flees to Gaul to ask for help from two valiant warriors: Asterix and Obelix, who are endowed with superhuman strength thanks to their magic potion. Our two inseparable heroes gladly accept to help the Princess save her mother and free her country. And thus begins a great voyage and adventure on the road to China. But Caesar and his powerful army, thirsty for a new conquest, are also heading toward the Middle Kingdom.
Self (archive footage)
On the occasion of the release of the blockbuster "Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom", unpublished images of the preparation of the film and the manufacturing secrets, as well as the crazy story of Asterix and Obelix since its origins.
몽마르트와 생제르망 사이 어딘가에서 작가 르네 고시니와 만화가 장 자크 상페는 커다란 흰 종이 위에서 장난스럽고 사랑스러운 소년, 꼬마 니콜라를 만나게 된다. 학교(운동장)에서의 놀이와 싸움, 여름 캠프의 추억, 그리고 친구들과의 끈끈한 우정에 이르기까지, 꼬마 니콜라는 더할 나위 없이 행복한 어린 시절을 보낸다.
In the peaceful world of Little Nicholas, there is Daddy, Mommy, the school, but above all, his band of friends. They are called The Invincibles, but above all they are inseparable. At least they think so. But when Dad gets a promotion and announces that the family is moving to the south of France, Nicolas' world falls apart. How can he imagine life without his best friends?
Scenario Writer
마을의 히어로 ‘아스테릭스’는 마시면 슈퍼 파워가 생기는 마법 물약이 다 떨어지자 마법 물약의 레시피를 찾는 동시에 대마법사의 후계자를 찾아 모험을 떠난다. 아스테릭스는 모험에서 만난 꼬마 소녀 ‘펙틴’을 후계자로 점찍는데… 한편, 악당 ‘데모닉스’ 역시 자신의 제자를 이용해 마법 물약 레시피를 훔칠 계획을 세운다! 과연 마법 물약 레시피를 만들 진짜 후계자는 누구~?
Himself (archive footage)
René Goscinny
전세계를 정복한 로마. 시저 황제는 ‘신들의 전당’이라 불리는 거대한 빌딩을 지어 골족들을 이주시키고 마지막 땅마저 빼앗으려 한다. 하지만 그들에게 맞선 마지막 전사들이 있었으니… 마법의 물약을 마시면 슈퍼파워를 발휘하는 골족의 전사 아스테릭스와 오벨릭스! 과연 그들은 위기의 마을을 지켜낼 수 있을까?
여름방학을 맞아 가족들과 함께 바캉스를 떠난 니콜라! 여친 마리와의 이별의 아쉬움을 뒤로 한 채 니콜라는 바닷가 여행지에서 새로운 친구들을 사귄다. 호텔 주인 아들이라 바캉스가 따로 없는 ‘블레즈’, 뭐든지 주워먹는 땅그지 ‘프뤽튀에’, 영국식 영어 액센트 불어를 작렬하는 ‘드조드조’, 하루 종일 징징대는 울보 ‘크레팽’, 완전 짜증나는 우기기 대장 ‘꼼므’까지! 그런데 이게 웬 날벼락? 아빠 친구의 딸인 부릅뜬 눈의 수상한 그녀 ‘이자벨’과 결혼시켜야겠다는 것이 아닌가! 마리와의 결혼을 꿈꾸던 니콜라는 억지로 생긴 이 ‘썸녀’를 제거하기 위해 친구들과 작전에 나선다. 그런데 허걱~ 자꾸만 이자벨에게 눈길이 가는데… 니콜라의 잊지 못할 여름방학은 지금부터 시작이다!
Comic Book
Asterix crosses the channel to help second-cousin Anticlimax face down Julius Caesar and invading Romans.
가장 유력한 차기 대통령 후보 윈스턴의 명령 하에 무법도시 데이지 타운을 지키던 보안관 럭키 루크는 우연히 부모를 죽인 원수를 마주쳐 그를 살해하고 만다. 살인범이 된 루크는 총을 버리고 마을을 떠나지만, 자신이 정말 살인을 저지른 것이 아니라 모든 것이 조작되었단 사실을 알게 된다. 데이지 타운을 둘러싼 정치가들의 거대한 음모를 파헤치기 위해 럭키 루크가 이제 다시 총을 뽑는다.
Original Story
믿었던 부모님한테 발등 찍혔다? 내 이름은 니콜라, 순탄하기만 하던 열 살 내 인생을 위협하는 무지막지한 일이 생겼습니다. 갑자기 아빠가 엄마한테 엄청 잘해주는 게 아니겠어요! 바람 잘날 없던 엄마, 아빠가 갑자기 다정하다는 건 곧 동생이 생긴다는 증거고, 그럼 이제 귀찮아진 나를 숲에 버릴게 분명해요! OTL.. 얼마 전에 동생이 생겨서 첫째인 자긴 버려질지 모른다고 했던 친구가 정말로 학교에 나오질 않았거든요!! 동생 따윈 필요 없어! 먹보대장, 우유빛깔도련님, 밉상범생, 동네파이터, 깨방정, 전교꼴찌, 파파보이, 그리고 나까지 8명의 친구들이 모여서 대책위원회를 조직하고 아부작전을 펼쳤지만, 하는 일마다 모두 빵꾸똥꾸~ 이러다간 동생이 안 생겨도 버려지게 생겼지 뭐에요. 귀여운 오해, 엉뚱한 공상 8인의 악동들이 펼치는 유쾌한 반란~ 이젠 최후의 방법 밖에 없습니다. 그것은 바로, 무시무시한 갱단에게 부탁해서 동생을 납치해달라고 하는 것! 곧바로 행동개시~ 롸잇 나우!!
어딘가 2% 부족하지만 훈남 로맨티스트인 ‘러브식스’는 그리스의 ‘이리나’ 공주와 사랑에 빠진다. 하지만 그들의 달콤한 미래를 방해하는 이가 등장했으니, 바로 로마제국의 황제 ‘시저’의 양아들이며 만년 2인자인 찌질이 ‘브루투스’! 거대한 로마 제국의 힘 앞에 그리스의 왕은 어쩔 수 없이 브루투스와 이리나를 정략 결혼시키겠다고 약속해버린 것! 이리나 공주는 그들 앞에 닥친 위기에서 빠져나가기 위해 올림픽 게임의 우승자와 결혼하겠다고 선언한다! 최강로마 브루투스 군단 VS 무한마법 러브식스 골족 브루투스는 막강한 부와 권력으로 심판 매수는 물론 마법사들까지 동원해 마법의 물약으로 강력한 힘과 스피드까지 겸비한 최강의 올림픽 선수단을 구성한다. 그에 비해 가진 거라고는 건강한 신체뿐인 ‘러브식스’는 신비한 힘의 만능해결사 ‘아스테릭스’와 가공할 파워의 천하무적 ‘오벨릭스’에게 도움을 청한다. 이로써 막강 찌질이 브루투스에 맞선 훈남 러브식스의 놀랍고 흥미진진한 상상초월 올림픽 게임이 시작되는데...
Scenario Writer
The Daltons have escaped to New York, where their accumulated loot is hidden in the carts of Monsieur Pierre's group of honest, naive European immigrants, who naively bought land in California from Crook, who inserted a clause they must claim it within 80 days. Joe emotionally blackmails Luke to guide them there, hoping to escape on the way. The usual route must shortened from 6 to 2 months, so no danger can be avoided. Given Lucky's reputation, Crook decides to shadow them to add sabotage, just to be sure- or is it?
Asterix and Obelix have been given a tough mission: Transform the chief's lazy nephew Justforkix into a warrior. When the Vikings abduct him and bring him back to their homeland, Asterix and Obelix must travel to Norway to rescue Justforkix.
In Baghdad the Magnificent reigns Haroun al Plassid, who is the Caliph. There also dwells Iznogoud, who wants to be the Caliph. The irascible Grand Vizier hatches plot after plot to remove his ruler and take his place—melting Djinn, invisibility spell, cursed diamond, voodoo doll… But no amount of cunning or obstinacy can make up for sheer, hilariously bad luck.
Joe and Averell are the eldest and youngest of the four Dalton brothers, the worst outlaws in Wild West history...
모든 지역이 로마에 지배받았던 이 시기에, 막강 로마군도 손댈 수 없는 한지역이 있었다. 그곳은 아스테릭스(크리스티앙 클라비에)와 오벨릭스(제라르 드 파르디유)가 살고 있는 골족 마을.힘이 세지는 마법이 물약 제조자 파노라믹스(클로드 리치)와 알고 지내던 누메로비스는 마법의 물약을 청하러 눈내리는 골족 마을로 온다. 마법의 물약을 노동자들에게 먹여 한사람이 열사람의 힘을 내게끔 하려는 계획. 여기에 골족의 영웅 아스테릭스와 오벨릭스, 이데픽스, 파노라믹스가 그들을 도와 이집트의 기적을 만들기 위해 이집트의 뜨거운 햇볕 아래로 여행을 시작한다. 적은 항상 가까운 곳에 있다! 누메로비스를 향한 질투에 사로잡힌 클레오파트라의 공식 건축가 사악한 아몬보피스(제자르 다르몽)와 3개월 안에 정말로 초호화 궁전이 지어질 경우 이집트 민족이 가장 위대한 민족임을 공개적으로 인정해야하는 시저.두 사람의 자존심을 해치는 이 불행한 사건이 일어나지 못하도록 아스테릭스 일행을 피라미드에 가두고, 석포를 이용하여 지어놓은 궁전을 부시는 등 교활할 계책과 강력한 군대로 점점 그들을 궁지로 몰아넣어 가는데….
줄리어스 시저의 로마군들이 전 유럽을 함락시키며 승승장구할 때 조그만 갈리아 마을이 그들의 길을 막는다. 체구는 외소하지만 영리한 아스테릭스(크리스티앙 클라비에)는 갈리아 마을의 모든 문제를 해결해주는 만능 재주꾼이다. 그의 절친한 친구이며 어릴 적 마법사의 신비한 물약 단지에 빠져 엄청난 힘을 갖고 있는 오벨릭스(제라르 드파르듀)는 아름다운 팔 발라를 짝사랑하는 로맨티스트다. 갈리아 마을과 대치하고 있던 로마군 막사에 시저와 그의 부하 데트리투스가 찾아오고 데투리투스는 우연히 마법사가 만든 물약을 마시면 엄청난 괴력을 발휘한다는 사실을 알게 되어 시저를 몰아내고 세계를 지배하려는 음모를 꾸민다. 그러던 어느날 마법사 파라믹스는 아스테릭스와 오벨릭스의 보호를 받으며 마법의 숲에 정기 모임을 참석하러 가는 도중 함정에 빠저 로마군에게 납치되어 어쩔 수 없이 마법의 물약을 만들어 준다. 이 사실을 알고 아스테릭스와 오벨릭스는 마법사를 구하지만 마법의 물약을 손에 넣은 테트리투스 부대에 의해 마을이 점령당할 위기에 처한다. 마을이 위험에 빠진 순간에 마을을 구하기 위해 마법사는 이제껏 해보지 않은 슈퍼 울트라 마술 물약을 제조하여 아스테릭스와 오벨릭스에게 마시게 한다.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary detailing the life and career of the late René Goscinny, creator of Asterix.
루키 루크(Lucky Luke: 테렌스 힐 분)가 졸리 점퍼라고 불리는 그의 애마와 함께 데이지 타운에 나타난다. 데이지 타운은 무법자들의 천국으로 그들에 의해 다스려지는 마을이다. 루크는 힘이 곧 법인 그곳에 보안관으로 임명되고 무법자들을 물리치기 위해 다스려지는 마을이다. 루크는 힘이 곧 법인 그곳에 보안관으로 임명되고 무법자들을 물리치기 시작한다. 그 이야기를 전해 들은 최고의 악당 들턴 형제는 루크를 제거하려 하나 실패로 돌아가자 인디언들을 부추켜 마을을 공격한다. 그러나 그것 역시 루키의 재치에 의해서 실패로 돌아간다. 결국 루크는 악당들을 모두 일망타진하고 데이지 타운은 백인과 인디언이 서로 싸우지 않은 평화스러운 마을이 된다.
Gaullish custom requires that a would-be chief must challenge and defeat another to become the leader of two tribes. Vitalstatistix is not perturbed because of Getafix's magic potion. Getafix, however has an accident and forgets how to make it. Then Vitalstatistix is suddenly challenged.
Scenario Writer
One little ancient British village still holds out against the Roman invaders. Asterix and Obelix are invited to help. They must face fog, rain, warm beer and boiled boar with mint sauce, but they soon have Governor Encyclopaedius Britannicus's Romans declining and falling. Until a wild race for a barrel of magic potion lands them in the drink.
Obelix falls for a new arrival in his home village in Gaul, but is heartbroken when her true love arrives to visit her. However, the lovers are kidnapped by Romans; Asterix and Obelix set out to rescue them on a dangerous journey that will involve gladiators, slavers and beauracracy - and a personal encounter with the Emperor himself, Julius Caesar...
Scenario Writer
The cowboy Lucky Luke tracks the Dalton brothers who escaped from prison and are seeking refuge in Canada.
Jolly Jumper (voice)
The cowboy Lucky Luke tracks the Dalton brothers who escaped from prison and are seeking refuge in Canada.
The story opens in a Western saloon, where a young musician with a banjo begins to tell a tale of Lucky Luke and his sworn enemies the Dalton brothers: Joe, William, Jack and Averell. Luke has, once again, as he has done many times before, thrown the four outlaws into jail. The prison is also the abode of a guard dog named Rin Tin Can (Rantanplan in the original French language version).
The story opens in a Western saloon, where a young musician with a banjo begins to tell a tale of Lucky Luke and his sworn enemies the Dalton brothers: Joe, William, Jack and Averell. Luke has, once again, as he has done many times before, thrown the four outlaws into jail. The prison is also the abode of a guard dog named Rin Tin Can (Rantanplan in the original French language version).
The story opens in a Western saloon, where a young musician with a banjo begins to tell a tale of Lucky Luke and his sworn enemies the Dalton brothers: Joe, William, Jack and Averell. Luke has, once again, as he has done many times before, thrown the four outlaws into jail. The prison is also the abode of a guard dog named Rin Tin Can (Rantanplan in the original French language version).
Asterix and Obelix depart on an adventure to complete twelve impossible tasks to prove to Caesar that they are as strong as the Gods. You'll roar with laughter as they outwit, outrun, and generally outrage the very people who are trying to prove them "only human".
Asterix and Obelix depart on an adventure to complete twelve impossible tasks to prove to Caesar that they are as strong as the Gods. You'll roar with laughter as they outwit, outrun, and generally outrage the very people who are trying to prove them "only human".
Asterix and Obelix depart on an adventure to complete twelve impossible tasks to prove to Caesar that they are as strong as the Gods. You'll roar with laughter as they outwit, outrun, and generally outrage the very people who are trying to prove them "only human".
Here we find a group of misfits who've given up on humanity and have decided to dwell below the pavement. The group has its own hierarchy, of course, and soon the conditions that drove them underground begin to manifest themselves without the influences of the Outside World.
In 1930, Louis Martinet, a peaceful sexagenarian, no longer has a long life to live according to the words of his doctor, Leon Galipeau, who sees to take advantage of the very interesting situation of the "future deceased". This one indeed has a small house in Saint-Tropez. Galipeau sniffs the windfall. Following his advice, Martinet agrees to give it in life to the brother of the doctor, Emile, and then rushes back to a health of iron. Worse, he even survives the war. Galipeau, exhausted, decide to use the great means to get rid of the importunce who persists in thwarting their project ...
Executive Producer
When the members of a caravan of pioneers find a daisy growing in the middle of the desert they decide to stop there and to build their town on this very spot. Houses soon spring up like mushrooms, immediately followed by a bank, a saloon, a prison, etc. Daisy Town is born. Unfortunately a city does not go without its bad boys and the peaceful place is soon turned into a lawless place. To restore law and order, a lawman is needed. Lucky Luke, the cowboy who shoots faster than his shadow, will be this man: all the villains had better watch out!
When the members of a caravan of pioneers find a daisy growing in the middle of the desert they decide to stop there and to build their town on this very spot. Houses soon spring up like mushrooms, immediately followed by a bank, a saloon, a prison, etc. Daisy Town is born. Unfortunately a city does not go without its bad boys and the peaceful place is soon turned into a lawless place. To restore law and order, a lawman is needed. Lucky Luke, the cowboy who shoots faster than his shadow, will be this man: all the villains had better watch out!
When the members of a caravan of pioneers find a daisy growing in the middle of the desert they decide to stop there and to build their town on this very spot. Houses soon spring up like mushrooms, immediately followed by a bank, a saloon, a prison, etc. Daisy Town is born. Unfortunately a city does not go without its bad boys and the peaceful place is soon turned into a lawless place. To restore law and order, a lawman is needed. Lucky Luke, the cowboy who shoots faster than his shadow, will be this man: all the villains had better watch out!
When the members of a caravan of pioneers find a daisy growing in the middle of the desert they decide to stop there and to build their town on this very spot. Houses soon spring up like mushrooms, immediately followed by a bank, a saloon, a prison, etc. Daisy Town is born. Unfortunately a city does not go without its bad boys and the peaceful place is soon turned into a lawless place. To restore law and order, a lawman is needed. Lucky Luke, the cowboy who shoots faster than his shadow, will be this man: all the villains had better watch out!
Comic Book
In a small western town the ineffable judge Roy Bean metes out justice in his own special way. A cargo of gold is ambushed by the outlaw Black Bird who fails in the attempt and then rides into town.
Comic Book
Popular animated hero Asterix and his faithful sidekick Obelix travel to ancient Egypt to help Cleopatra build a new summer home. Cleopatra and Julius Caesar have made a bet, with Caesar wagering the project cannot be completed in a few weeks time. With the help of a magic potion, Asterix comes to the rescue of the Queen of the Nile as Caesar and an angry architect plot against them.
Popular animated hero Asterix and his faithful sidekick Obelix travel to ancient Egypt to help Cleopatra build a new summer home. Cleopatra and Julius Caesar have made a bet, with Caesar wagering the project cannot be completed in a few weeks time. With the help of a magic potion, Asterix comes to the rescue of the Queen of the Nile as Caesar and an angry architect plot against them.
Comic Book
In the year 50 BC, Gaul is occupied by the Romans - nearly. But the small village of Asterix and his friends still resists the Roman legions with the aid of their druid's magic potion, which gives superhuman strength. Learning of this potion, a Roman centurion kidnaps the druid to get the secret formula out of him.
This film is directly inspired by Asterix, created by René Goscinny and Albert UDERZO, chronicles the adventures of a little boy, Antoine, entered the world of antiquity by studying its history lesson and two Romans, and TICKETBUS PROSPECTUS, who prefer to leave their life of legionnaires and discover the lifestyle of Gaulois.Antoine meeting Asterix cartoon form, which explains certain peculiarities of life in Lutetia.
Le tavernier
This film is directly inspired by Asterix, created by René Goscinny and Albert UDERZO, chronicles the adventures of a little boy, Antoine, entered the world of antiquity by studying its history lesson and two Romans, and TICKETBUS PROSPECTUS, who prefer to leave their life of legionnaires and discover the lifestyle of Gaulois.Antoine meeting Asterix cartoon form, which explains certain peculiarities of life in Lutetia.
Professor Calculus's friend develops a blue-skinned orange that can grow on any kind of land and survive harsh weather (in the manner of Lue Gim Gong) and therefore solve world hunger. The Professor and his friends, however, run afoul of gangsters who also covet the fruit. The adventure takes them from their home in Marlinspike Hall (Moulinsart), a fictional mansion that is presumably in Belgium, to Spain, where Calculus and another scientist are kidnapped.
Comic Book
New animated adventure aimed to release in 2025.
New animated adventure aimed to release in 2025.