Station Barista
가장 소중한 사람을 죽인 범인이 체포되어 30년 형을 선고받고 그 중 10년을 복역한 후 교화된 것으로 간주되어 세상으로 풀려나면 어떻게 해야 할까요? 그의 범죄는 파급 효과를 가져 왔고 시간이 지남에 따라 그와 관련된 모든 사람들의 삶을 파괴했습니다. 악은 세상에서 그렇게합니다.
Host Destination follows a parallel narrative between Sloane, a soul awaiting their life on earth, and Katerina, a young artist who has to choose between her career and motherhood.
Host Destination follows a parallel narrative between Sloane, a soul awaiting their life on earth, and Katerina, a young artist who has to choose between her career and motherhood.
Host Destination follows a parallel narrative between Sloane, a soul awaiting their life on earth, and Katerina, a young artist who has to choose between her career and motherhood.
Audrey Goodwin
‘Recrudescence’ takes place in a gothic, dystopian reality wherein a patriarchal judiciary removes the anger of women within whom it is deemed excessive. This is the case for Audrey, a writer of philosophy. But when Audrey’s husband tries to capitalise on her state, her anger returns in an unusual form...