Yuma Koda

참여 작품

모두의 행복을 위해
간호사 시험을 앞두고 오랜만에 고향에 내려온 소녀. 할머니, 할아버지와의 오랜만의 재회를 기뻐하는 것도 잠시, 소녀는 고향 집에 있는 ‘무언가’를 감지하고 점차 불쾌함을 느끼기 시작한다. 어느 날, 그녀가 살아왔던 ‘행복한’ 나날들을 송두리째 공포로 몰아 넣는 진실을 알게되고 마는데...
A witty and sensitive observation of people visiting Central Park of Tokyo – YoyoGi. We all live in a world of online communication and rush, but there are places where one can still come to him/herself in offline. Following Japanese tradition of contemplation and harmony, an Estonian director explores Eastern way of finding the balance through nature and solitude. Hauki poetry, written especially by a well-known Japan-researcher from Tallinn Rein Raud add a new angle to the whole picture, turning the film into an endless meditation flow.
7년 전, 고등학생이던 딸이 친구의 손에 살해당했다. 딸을 잃은 부모는 이혼하고 아버지는 알코올 중독자가 된 채 남은 삶을 분노와 슬픔에 빠져 보낸다. 어느 날, 살인을 저질렀던 딸의 친구가 주어진 형량이 부당하다는 소송을 낸다. 아버지는 지금은 재혼한 어머니를 만나 딸을 죽인 살인자를 사회로 복귀시켜서는 안 된다고 설득한다. 둘은 법정에서 딸을 죽인 살인자와 대면한다.
Original Music Composer
Located in the heart of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, the Hippodrome used to be the centre of entertainment for all its neighbouring countries. For nearly 100 years, it has lured visitors with bets and races. All that remains today of this majestic racecourse is a lonely horse stable. Now it is more of a social club than a prestigious racetrack. Animal lovers and sports fans still meet here despite the poor conditions. Bizarre parties and engagement photo sessions are held at the Hippodrome, and this is where the best Swedish racehorses are still trained. This hypnotic black and white film is an ode to a disappearing era and a unique subculture in a place soon to be demolished to make way for the triumphal march of business-oriented real estate development.
Leo's Return
Leo, an actor playing the lead in his breakthrough role, returns home to Tokyo after the pandemic canceled his film shoot only to face more problems with his wife.
Guided by her grandfather's WWII-era diary, Sora searches for a mysterious trove in the wilderness of her hometown. Meanwhile, a mysterious mute and backward-walking homeless man wanders into town who may be the catalyst to put her shattered relationship with her father back together.