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금지된 욕망... 숨겨진 비밀... 은밀하고 자극적인 로맨스! 150년 전, 비밀의 러브레터, 거부할 수 없는 욕망, 은밀한 유혹... 올 가을, 운명적인 사랑이 시작된다!! 빅토리아 시대 계관시인 랜돌프 애쉬 100주년 기념주간을 맞아 그에 관한 자료를 조사하던 미국계 학자 롤랜드 미첼(아론 에크하트 분)은 놀라운 사실을 알게 된다. 아내에 대한 열정적 연시를 많이 남긴 낭만적인 애처가로 유명한 애쉬가 당시 진보적 페미니스트이며 레즈비언이었던 여류시인 크리스타벨 라모트에게 보낸 것으로 추정되는 연서를 우연히 찾게된 것. 롤랜드는 애쉬와 크리스타벨의 관계에 대해 확실한 사료를 찾기 위해 크리스타벨을 연구하는 학자이자 그녀의 후손인 베일리 모드(기네스 팰트로 분)를 만나게된다. 모드는 롤랜드와 함께 영국과 유럽본토를 넘나들며 사실 확인을 위해 여행을 떠난다. 롤랜드의 추리를 완전히 무시하던 모드는 빅토리아 시대의 두 시인들의 숨겨진 로맨스를 알게 되고, 과거의 그들처럼 걷잡을 수 없이 롤랜드에게 빠져드는 자신을 발견하게 되는데...
13세기 말, 스코틀랜드 왕이 후계자 없이 죽자 잉글랜드는 왕권을 요구하며 스코틀랜드에 포악한 정치의 그림자를 드리우기 시작한다. 윌리엄 월레스(멜 깁슨)는 폭정을 피하여 멀리 보내져 양육된다. 그가 성장하여 고향에 돌아왔을때 스코틀랜드는 여전히 잉글랜드의 군주 롱생크(패트릭 맥구한)의 핍박과 탄압에 시달리고 있었다. 그는 운명적인 사랑의 여인 머론(캐서린 맥코맥)을 만나 결혼하지만, 잉글랜드의 폭정에 머론은 잔인하게 처형된다. 월레스는 머론의 복수를 다짐하고, 하나 둘씩 모여드는 스코틀랜드 사람들을 모아 용맹과 투지로 무장한 저항군의 지도자가 되는데...
Zena (Dominique Blanc) lost her parents as a very young girl, and though she was born in Albania, only knows about life in Paris. She was raised by her uncle Selman (Sulejman Pitarka), whom she is about to leave behind in order to start a new life in New York. Just before she leave, however, she hears of an Albanian who is being detained by French authorities for want of the proper paperwork. Ordinarily, that would not capture her attention. However, Vladimir (Timo Flloko), who is the man in question, claims to have information that Zena's father is not dead, and could be located. Zena postpones her trip to speak with Vladimir and, once he is free to travel, they begin to try and explore his information. There is only one problem in their traveling around France together: he doesn't speak a word of French, and she doesn't speak a word of Albanian. Somehow, they manage to communicate, and they eventually become lovers.
Prague, 1920. Milena's father wants her to follow in his footsteps and be one of the first female doctors in Czechoslovakia, but she is determined to be a writer. She elopes to Vienna with the Jewish music critic Ernst Pollak, and starts a correspondence with Franz Kafka. She leaves Pollak and returns to Prague with her father, where she befriends and translates Kafka. As a journalist, Milena covers the 1923 Ruhr worker's strike and meets the communist architect Jaromir.
Adrien does not see eye to eye with his patrician father about much. It is 1912, and the old man still believes in the old rules which strait-jacket "men of class." He believes that the elite have the right to conquer where they can, that they should refrain from publicizing their improprieties, and he is rabidly pro-military. Adrian, kicked out of his military school for his own improprieties (and hiding that from his father), is naturally drawn to Vicky a beautiful divorced woman and friend of the family who is staying at their mansion. The family tutor, a man of ordinary background (with some ideas which seem radical in this household) is similarly smitten. On the basis of their shared attraction, the two men form a friendship. Meanwhile, the object of their affection finds it diverting to toy with them.
The first thing to know is that there is the sea in Dieppe. It is very rare not to see the sea when you are in Dieppe. Should really be a failure to miss the sea in Dieppe. Bibi, our hero, has missed everything: the pace, the sensitivity, the woman, the behavior. Life has always spared her happiness.
Léa Stagnari
An assassin signs his crimes by cutting off the ears of his victims which he places between their teeth. In order to proceed with his arrest, an expert in criminology is contacted.
After the death of her rich parents, the young Paulette claims her heritage and then starts to give it away for the good of people. Doing so, she's making executives of her parent's company furious.