제2차 세계대전이 한창인 1942년 겨울. 러시아로 진격하는 독일군에 의해 모스크바 상공은 새까만 전투기로 뒤덮인다. 공군용사 파일럿 ‘니콜라이’가 불구덩이 전선에 뛰어들지만 독일군의 폭격으로 그가 탑승한 항공기는 시베리아 한가운데 외딴 숲에 불시착하고 만다. 꼭 돌아오겠다는 말을 남긴 채 이별한 연인 ‘올가’와의 약속을 위해 ‘니콜라이’는 혹독한 추위와 극한 전쟁 속 생존을 위한 사투를 시작하는데… 운명의 기로에 선 파일럿의 처절한 서바이벌이 시작된다!
scary woman
Pasha is an excellent student who lived to the end of the seventh grade, never having done anything forbidden by adults. But everything changes when his father, a quiet museum worker, suddenly disappears. Pasha goes in search of him in the company of the school's sworn enemy, handsome and sneaky Ilya. The guys are waiting for non-childish adventures, behind them there are two bandits. And in the smartphone - hints from the unknown Captain Geek.
Chukhnovskiy's wife
In 1957 French student Pierre Durand comes to Moscow to do an internship at Moscow State University. Here he meets ballerina Kira Galkina and photographer Valera Uspenskiy. With them he discovers the cultural side of Moscow — not just the traditional one, but the underground one as well. During his year in Russia’s capital Pierre lives an entirely different life than what he’s used to. But the internship and the experience of the Soviet people’s way of life are not the only things Pierre is after. He’s searching for his father, White officer Tatishchev, who was arrested in the 1930s.