November 2015. Violette's parents are killed in the Paris terror attacks. She is sent to live with her uncle, a gruff man she hardly knows, who is a caretaker at the Versailles chateau. Little does Violette realize that in this intimidating place she will find unexpected refuge and a new family.
브르타뉴의 섬으로 이주해 엄마와 함께 살게 된 노아는, 섬에 사는 모든 아이들이 어릴 때부터 서로 잘 아는 사이이며 모두 스스로 항해를 할 수 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 노아도 항해하는 법을 배우고 싶지만, 수입이 빠듯한 그녀의 엄마는 수업료를 낼 방법이 없다.
Compositing Artist
A grandfather explains to his grandson that he'll have to take care of his flower garden after he dies. There follows a touching and poetic discussion about losing loved ones and on the marks they leave behind.
Jack is a strange character. He steals paintings from museums to eat them. He feeds himself with the artistic process of the painter. But one day, the museums are closed and he will have to paint by himself to survive