George Stevens Jr.

출생 : 1932-04-03, Los Angeles, California, USA

참여 작품

Hollywood's Second World War
For the USA, World War 2 was an all-out war - to mobilize the masses, the US government launched a huge propaganda campaign and cinema, the medium of the masses, was quite simply their most important weapon. Government authorities monitored the production of feature films and the military itself produced documentaries aimed at rallying the American people to support the troops. This film tells the story of four Hollywood directors of European origin, who returned to the "Old World" during the Second World War to make propaganda documentaries for the US Army at the front: William Wyler from Alsace, Frank Capra from Italy, Anatole Litvak from Ukraine and - in post-war Germany - Billy Wilder from Austria.
오슨 웰스의 마지막 로즈버드
미완으로 남은 오슨 웰스의 유작 《바람의 저편》. 수십 년이 지난 지금, 그 영화에 참여했던 이들이 폭풍 같던 나날을 회상한다. 천재의 마지막 열정과 투혼을 회고한다.
George Stevens Jr. on 'Woman of the Year'
The son of director George Stevens, George Stevens Jr., discusses his father's 1942 Oscar-winning film, Woman of the Year.
Children of Giant
Children of GIANT is a documentary film that unearths deeply wrought emotions in the small West Texas town of Marfa, before, during and after the month-long production of George Stevens' 1956 feature film, Giant. Based on the controversial Edna Ferber novel of the same name, the film, Giant did not shy from strong social-issue themes experienced throughout post-WWII America. George Stevens, its producer and director, purposely gravitated to the drought-ridden community of Marfa for most all of the exterior scenes.
This one-man play stars Laurence Fishburne in his Tony-nominated performance as Thurgood Marshall, the remarkable Civil Rights lawyer and Supreme Court Justice.
We Are One With President-Elect Barack Obama
A public celebration of the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America at the Lincoln Memorial and the National Mall in Washington DC, on January 18, 2009.
Christmas in Washington
Christmas in Washington is an annual Christmas television special that aired for many years on the U.S. TNT network.
Christmas in Washington
Directed by Michael Stevens. With Michael McDonald, Phil McGraw, LeAnn Rimes, Ruben Studdard.
Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust
Daniel Anker’s 90-minute documentary takes on over 60 years of a very complex subject: Hollywood’s complicated, often contradictory relationship with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The questions it raises go right the very nature of how film functions in our culture, and while hardly exhaustive, Anker’s film makes for a good, thought provoking starting point.
Christmas in Washington
The 2003 edition of Christmas in Washington hosted by Patricia Heaton.
Return to 'Giant'
A documentary about Marfa and the way this small Texas town was changed forver when Giant was filmed there.
George Stevens and His Place In The Sun
This short documentary takes a look at director George Stevens' making of the classic 1951 film A Place in the Sun.
씬 레드 라인
Executive Producer
태평양 전쟁이 한창이던 1942년 과달카날 섬, 일본군은 호주를 점령하기 위해 섬에 비행장을 건설하고 남태평양 공격선을 구축하고 있다. 위협을 느낀 미국은 해병대를 보내 과달카날 탈환 작전에 나서지만 승부는 쉽게 나지 않는다. 미국은 사기가 떨어진 해병대 병력을 지원하기 위해 육군을 과달콰날 섬에 상륙시키기로 한다. 전쟁의 불안과 공포 속에 과달카날 섬에 이른 육군 지원부대는 아무런 공격을 받지 않고 섬에 상륙한다. 일본군이 점령하고 있는 고지 탈환 작전을 지휘하는 고든 대령은 중대별로 정면 돌파하라는 명령을 내리고 미군은 엄청난 피해를 입는데...
Memories of Giant
Cast, crew and Texans spin small and tall tales about the legacy of George Stevens' 'Giant'.
George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin
Narrated by George Stevens Jr., this documentary by Oscar-winning director George Stevens trains its lens on World War II in a way that's rarely been seen before: in full color. The effect is nothing less than astounding, as viewers bear witness to the carnage of all-out battle in the European theater, which was home to some of the bloodiest skirmishes ever, from the Norman invasion to the fall of Berlin.
George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin
Himself - Narrator
Narrated by George Stevens Jr., this documentary by Oscar-winning director George Stevens trains its lens on World War II in a way that's rarely been seen before: in full color. The effect is nothing less than astounding, as viewers bear witness to the carnage of all-out battle in the European theater, which was home to some of the bloodiest skirmishes ever, from the Norman invasion to the fall of Berlin.
George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin
Narrated by George Stevens Jr., this documentary by Oscar-winning director George Stevens trains its lens on World War II in a way that's rarely been seen before: in full color. The effect is nothing less than astounding, as viewers bear witness to the carnage of all-out battle in the European theater, which was home to some of the bloodiest skirmishes ever, from the Norman invasion to the fall of Berlin.
George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin
Narrated by George Stevens Jr., this documentary by Oscar-winning director George Stevens trains its lens on World War II in a way that's rarely been seen before: in full color. The effect is nothing less than astounding, as viewers bear witness to the carnage of all-out battle in the European theater, which was home to some of the bloodiest skirmishes ever, from the Norman invasion to the fall of Berlin.
Separate But Equal
A dramatization of the American court case that destroyed the legal validity of racial segregation. One of the most pivotal moments in 20th century American history is bracingly dramatized in Separate but Equal. In telling the detailed story of the Supreme Court's 1953 decision to abolish racial segregation in schools, this superb 1991 TV movie covers a broad spectrum of issues, never taking its "eyes off the prize" while its first-rate cast conveys the importance of the Supreme Court's ultimately unanimous decision.
Separate But Equal
A dramatization of the American court case that destroyed the legal validity of racial segregation. One of the most pivotal moments in 20th century American history is bracingly dramatized in Separate but Equal. In telling the detailed story of the Supreme Court's 1953 decision to abolish racial segregation in schools, this superb 1991 TV movie covers a broad spectrum of issues, never taking its "eyes off the prize" while its first-rate cast conveys the importance of the Supreme Court's ultimately unanimous decision.
George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
America at the Movies
A compilation of scenes from 83 films, divided into 5 segments: The Land, The Cities, The Families, The Wars, The Spirit.
Directed by John Ford
A documentary about the life and films of director John Ford.
위대한 생애
왕의 운명을 타고 난 아이를 찾아 나선 세 명의 목자들이 동방으로부터 이스라엘로 온다. 별의 인도를 따라 이스라엘까지 온 그들은 헤롯왕에게 미래의 지도자를 찾아왔다고 말한다. 수 백년 전 이사야는 “베들레헴에서 태어난 자가 이스라엘을 지배할 것이라”고 예언했었다. 긴 여정 끝에 그들이 머문 곳은 베들레헴. 허름한 마구간에서 동정녀 마리아와 목수 요셉의 아들 예수가 태어난다. 그들은 구세주의 탄생을 찬양하고, 계속 그들을 미행해 왔던 헤롯왕의 부하는 왕에게 이 사실을 고한다. 예수 탄생 후 그 일가는 헤롯왕의 박해를 피하여 이집트로 떠나지만 이 사실을 모르는 헤롯은 자신의 권세를 위해 베들레헴의 모든 어린아이들을 죽이도록 명령한다. 세월이 흐르고, 요단강에서 세례자 요한을 만난 예수는 성령의 인도로 광야에 나가 40주야의 단식기도를 하면서 악마로부터 시험을 받는다.
Wealth of a Nation
This film explores freedom of speech in the United States of America
The Five Cities of June
The Five Cities of June is a 1963 American short documentary film directed by Bruce Herschensohn. This United States Information Agency-sponsored film details the events of June 1963 in five different cities. In the Vatican, the election and coronation of Pope Paul VI; in the Soviet Union, the launch of a Soviet rocket as part of the Space Race with the United States; in South Vietnam, fighting between Communists and South Vietnamese soldiers; in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States, the racial integration of the University of Alabama opposed by Governor George Wallace; and in Berlin, President John F. Kennedy's visit to Germany and Rudolph Wilde Platz. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.
안네의 일기
Associate Producer
1934년 여름 히틀러가 집권하자 안네 가족은 프랑크프루트를 뗘나 네덜란드 암스테르담에 정착하게 된다. 불안한 생활 가운데에서도 한동안 평화로운 생활이 계속되는 안네의 가족. 그러나 1941년 네덜란드를 침공하고 암스테르담에서의 유태인 검거와 처형에 혈안이 된 나찌들의 횡포가 더욱 심해지자 안네의 가족은 불안한 하루하루를 보내게 된다. 그로부터 1년 후 안네의 언니 마르코프가 출두 명령을 받게 되고 다음 달, 안네의 가족을 비롯하여 반단씨 가족과 그의 아들이자 안네의 연인 피터, 의사인 뒤셀씨 등은 미리 준비해 두었던 은신처로 옮겨 은둔 생활에 들어간다. 그러나 2년이 넘는 은둔생활 중 게슈타포에 의해 발각되고 이들은 폴란드의 유태인 수용소를 전전하다가 그 다음해 안네의 아버지를 제외한 모든 사람들이 죽음을 당하게 된다. 세월이 흘러 독일이 패망한 후 안네의 아버지는 자신의 가족들이 독일군의 눈을 피해 숨어 지냈던 다락방에서 안네의 일기장을 발견하게 되는데.
New York Premiere Telecast 'Giant'
Star studded charity New York premiere of the film Giant
On Location with Gunga Din
A documentary focusing on the production history and legacy of the adventure-comedy phenomenon, Gunga Din.