Makeup & Hair
Since childhood, Renata was instilled that the nature of a wife is to serve and maintain the integrity of the household. Problems arise when Edwin, her abusive husband, cheats on her. Renata, who is terrorized by the presence of another woman, is determined to save her household.
Makeup & Hair
Rapsodi is a collage about individuals interpreting happiness in their own unique ways. From a young child on a film set, a group of aspiring stars in the midst of rehearsals, a girl at a yoga practice, to the conversation of two friends in an unexpected place. Inspired by a song by Laleilmanino, each segment is a distinctive exploration of the meaning of the word “Rapsodi” itself.
Makeup Artist
Prani is a middle-aged schoolteacher known for her unwavering ethics, and her creative punishments — called “reflections” — earn her admiration from her colleagues and respect from her pupils. When she sees someone cutting in line at a popular coconut-cake stand, she fearlessly speaks out against the injustice. Her deed takes an unexpected turn, however, when a vlogger posts a video of her, which goes viral, gets misinterpreted, and unleashes a wave of online criticism. Prani's reputation and chances of securing the vice principal position she aspires to are suddenly at risk, and though her family tries to help her prove her innocence, the situation soon spirals out of control.
Makeup & Hair
A greedy husband and wife use a monkey claw amulet given by a shaman so they can get rich quickly. But apparently, they had crossed the line that made so many victims around them.
Makeup & Hair
Lisa and Sarah, two 17-year-old teenagers, want to be together by accepting each other for who they are. However, everything becomes difficult when Lisa's obsession with pornography keeps them away and alone while exploring the light and dark of the teenage world.
Makeup & Hair
Zainab (80 years) who lives in the house of his youngest child in the village had to move to the house of KIKI (47 years), her eldest son who lives in the city. In the village, Zainab’s life is very simple, her activities only focus on praying. She did this because she felt that she was very close to death, she was afraid to sin and go to hell. After moving to the city, Zainab feels that the facilities provided by Kiki actually bring harm to her. So Zainab had to face the increasing fear of sin.
Makeup & Hair
A former clergyman finds himself back in his old boarding school where the disturbances experienced by its community might help him regain his faith and tie up loose ends in regards to his son's death by a deadly spirit.
Makeup Artist
The story of two bestfriends, Joko and Ayu, who are both hurt because of their respective situations.
Makeup Artist
A story of childhood memories, love, and family. A story where Honda plays a part in every twist and turn as a family journeys through life, where childhood friends find true love only to find that fate seems to have other plans...
Makeup Artist
Raja & Asia have the same responsibility, taking care of their two single parents respectively. If Raja wants to live independently like his two sisters, Asia has chosen to be devoted to her mother who she feels has sacrificed everything for her. Then, Dewa & Linda, their parents, began to unite their hearts. Raja was happy, Asia hesitated. When Raja convinces Asia that their parents are compatible together, Raja & Asia slowly fall in love.
Makeup & Hair
An ambitious female employee who accidentally witnessed an inappropriate incident at work and she contemplates what to do with that secret.
Makeup & Hair
대학 신입생 수르는 연극동아리에서 웹디자인을 맡고 있다. 준비한 초연이 성공적으로 마무리되고 파티에 초대된다. 신나는 음악과 즐거운 분위기에 취하지만 어느새 정신을 차려보니 중요한 장학금 심사면접에 늦을 정도로 늦잠을 자버린다. 그녀는 단지 술에 취해 기억을 잃은 것일까, 아니면 누군가가 의도한 함정에 빠진 것일까?
Assistant Makeup Artist
세계 2차 대전이 끝나고 독립운동이 한창이던 인도네시아를 진압하고자 네덜란드의 평범한 젊은 청년들이 자원 입대를 하게 된다. 별다른 전투가 없는 걸로 알고 자원했던 `요한`은 저항군이 쏜 총에 전우를 잃게 되면서 본격적인 저항군 색출작업에 뛰어 들게 된다. 시간이 지날수록 모든 것은 예상과 다르게 돌아가면서 전쟁은 그에게 잔인한 선택을 강요하게 되는데...
Makeup Artist
결혼을 앞둔 패션 블로거. 우연히 신발 가게에 들어갔다가 재능 넘치는 구두 장인을 만난다. 구두 한 켤레로 시작된 해프닝으로 그와 가까워지더니 급기야 약혼자와의 미래를 고민하게 되는데.
Assistant Makeup Artist
원인불명의 병으로 어머니가 죽은 후, 아버지는 일자리를 찾아 잠시 집을 비운다. 그런데 덩그러니 4명의 아이들이 남겨진 집에 이미 떠난 엄마가 방문한다. 하지만 반가움도 잠시 아이들은 엄마가 자신들을 어딘가로 데려가기 위해 왔다는 사실을 눈치채게 되는데...
Assistant Makeup Artist
In this biopic, Christian Rahadi – aka Chrisye – overcomes early failures, family strife and anxiety to become one of Indonesia's legendary musicians.