An explosion and exploration of the moment — the breath taken — before the first note of an opening night performance is sung.
Commissioned by the Toronto International Film Festival to mark the event's 25th anniversary in September 2000, the "Preludes" program consisted of ten short films by Canadian directors which were inspired in some way by the festival. Each film screened as a prelude to a feature film in the 2000 Toronto International Film Festival program. The full "Preludes" anthology was screened on the web in November 2000, and was given theatrical retrospectives at the TIFF Lightbox in the subsequent years.
A festival is a concentration of hope. Audiences hungering for something startingly new, famously familiar or just plain "good". Actors hoping their well-conceived sincerity and ritual entrances have that special glow. Press and critics poised to love or hate lucidly. And proud, desperate filmmakers looking for that little blessing on their latest self-projection. All squeezing together for a few days, in a few rooms wondering whether this will truly be the perfect place at the perfect time. Of course, it rarely is. Mostly it's just a collection of almosts. Delicious, shared almosts.
Klara Stephens
캐나다의 한 조그만 마을에서 대형사고가 일어난다. 아무도 예상치 못했던 사고로 인해 스쿨버스에 타고 있던 20여 명의 아이들이 죽은 것이다. 평화롭고 고요했던 마을의 사람들은 충격과 슬픔, 분노에 휩싸인다. 변호사 미첼은 사건을 이용해 희생자의 부모들이 소송을 제기하고,사고의 책임을 질 대상을 정해야 한다고 사람들에게 말한다. 미첼은 희생자 부모들의 집을 차례차례 방문에 소송에 동참하도록 설득하고 구슬린다
Roaring Woman
A prudish woman working on tenure as a literacy professor at a large urban university finds herself attracted to a free-spirited, liberal woman who works at a local carnival.