Sanjay Gulati

Sanjay Gulati

프로필 사진

Sanjay Gulati

참여 작품

Girls Will Be Girls
In a strict boarding school nestled in the Himalayas, 16-year-old Mira discovers desire and romance. But her sexual, rebellious awakening is disrupted by her mother who never got to come of age herself.
Life in Darjeeling in northern India passes by uneventfully. Every now and then, the quiet days are enlivened by a village ritual or an unexpected drama, as when nine-year-old Guras’s beloved dog Tinkle goes missing. Perhaps he was merely taken by someone from the neighboring village, and not eaten by the leopard prowling the area. The young girl’s family, however, has other things to worry about: the cardamon harvest is not going as planned, and they are struggling for their mere existence. Guras is left on her own to look for her four-legged companion, but in this magical land of tea plantations, good advice awaits in surprising places...
양치기 여성과 일곱 노래
아름다운 여성 라일라는 가부장제 사회의 전통에 따라 탄비르라는 남성의 아내가 돼 카슈미르 지방으로 이주한다. 정치적 분쟁 탓에 경찰과 군인의 엄격한 통제가 이뤄지는 이곳에서 그녀의 등장은 큰 관심을 모으고, 한 경찰 간부는 그녀를 성적으로 정복하겠다는 의사를 노골적으로 드러낸다.
10-year-old Tashi and his ageing grandma live as tenants to a wealthy family, in a remote mountain village in Darjeeling. Their job is to look after the family’s cardamom orchard and guard it at night from wild animals. An approaching wedding at their patron’s house excites Tashi. But will they invite him?
Once Again
After a chance phone call leads to daily conversations, a widowed restaurant owner and a lonely film actor plan to finally meet in person.
The Honour Keeper
Based on a folk tale by legendary writer Vijaydan Detha, this love story is set in Rajasthan’s Thar Desert. A group of conservative women on their daily long trek to collect water enjoy their brief parole from scrutiny by doffing their veils reciting songs and talking of hidden desires. But hidebound Lajwanti keeps her veil and as the others mock her, she follows but at a distance. When a strange man crosses their path, Lajwanti is struck by his silent commitment to collecting doves. This encounter starts Lajwanti on a startling journey of self-discovery. Geeta