Fredrik Harreschou

참여 작품

Thomas vs. Thomas (A Sensational Theory Regarding an Insignificant Life in the Multiverse)
A quantum physicist is about to have the breakthrough of the century, but as he closes in on his goal, versions of him from parallel realities force him to untangle the mystery of his own existence; how to be a present father for his son.
from soil to soul
The film takes the theme of folk music as its starting point and puts old hardanger fiddle traditions from Telemark in a new perspective. Through a meeting between three women, "from soil to soul" reflects on what it is like to be human today: The need to be in contact with nature, the urge to create something of your own and express yourself, and the desire for community and to feel alive. Together, the musicians Johanna and Marianna and the gardener Ana get time to stand still.
Charlie Surfer
Charlie is 10 years old and diagnosed with aspergers. He is proud of his diagnosis but sometimes wishes he could be more like the other boys in his class. Feeling different makes him feel left out at times. Because of his Aspergers Charlie struggles with team sports. But he has found two things he loves to do, surfing and dancing. We follow Charlie through ups and downs at this years surf camp.
Villagers and Vagabonds
Color Grading
A manure spreader, a stone and a wooden stick make up Joar Nango's unfinished artwork, which triggered an intense debate in national media. This thoughtful and epic documentary offers a platform for villagers and artists to discuss what art means.
63 Days Later
Tara was the victim of a brutal attack and attempted murder. 63 days later, the police and Correctional Service ask her to meet with her attacker as part of his rehabilitation process. For Tara, the meeting is the beginning of her hell. Based on a true story.
Everything That Could Have Been
After touring for years with Sirkus Eliassen, one of Norways biggest pop stars escapes into solitude, trying to find joy in his music again. In the tranquility of Lofoten Islands, bigger questions in life emerges, as he prepares to record his album in Los Angeles.
Sorry Brothers, I Was the One
Color Grading
Jan Erik Vold has been best known as poet, activist and an Oslo-patriot in exile for many years, but who is he really?
Bo Bear's Vacation
Color Grading
Julian goes on holiday with Bo Bear, but wants a peer playmate more than anything. Can green waffles or fantasy magic help Julian make a friend?
The Puzzle of Christina
For twenty-four years filmmaker Pål Winsents filmed his niece Christina while she navigated through life diagnosed with Kleefstra syndrome. The rare genetic disease leads to learning disabilities and reduced cognitive behavior, giving Christina a challenging journey in many arenas. But is twenty-four years enough time to break the code of who and what an individual really is? Gåten Christina is a playful and warm take on the mission to answer this question. Who Christina is today and how she faced the school system and workforce growing up. The result is an authentic and sincere portrait of a unique individual journey that empathically puts the spotlight on the challenges a person with psychological disabilities meet in an every-day life.
The Puzzle of Christina
Online Editor
For twenty-four years filmmaker Pål Winsents filmed his niece Christina while she navigated through life diagnosed with Kleefstra syndrome. The rare genetic disease leads to learning disabilities and reduced cognitive behavior, giving Christina a challenging journey in many arenas. But is twenty-four years enough time to break the code of who and what an individual really is? Gåten Christina is a playful and warm take on the mission to answer this question. Who Christina is today and how she faced the school system and workforce growing up. The result is an authentic and sincere portrait of a unique individual journey that empathically puts the spotlight on the challenges a person with psychological disabilities meet in an every-day life.
14-year-old Asgaut struggles to adjust to life in the small village where he and his mother have settled. After one day receiving unexpected help from the farmer Kjell, Asgaut starts working as a farm hand during the lambing season. The lonely Kjell appreciates having Asgaut on the farm, while Asgaut longs for care and security. A close friendship evolves, but is challenged when the people of the village jump to conclusions about their relationship.
The Future of Iraq
One of six children today live in a war zone. This is a meeting with three of them, where they in simple terms describe their experiences of war and daily life. The film is set in Iraq, but could be set anywhere in the world.
Blind Dancer
Color Grading
The blind librarian Lisa loves to dance. Director Maria challenges her to recapture herself, her body and her sensuality by traveling to Brussels to dance with the world-famous blind dancer Said Gharbi.
질주본능: 더 레이싱
레이싱에 환장한 남자 로이. 이혼 후 갑작스레 딸을 맡게 되는데, 우연히 시비가 붙은 티티와 말도 안 되는 2,208km의 '불법 레이싱 시합'을 하게된다. 튜닝된 67년식 노란색 머스탱을 이끌고 출발하는 로이, 그리고 딸 니나의 합류. 26대의 고출력 자동차들의 배기음과 현란한 타이어 스키드마크가 펼쳐진다. 딸에게 한없이 냉정한 로이지만, 오슬로에서 노스케이프까지의 대장정 레이싱을 하면서 부정을 느끼게 된다. 한편, 불법 레이싱 정보를 입수한 노르웨이순찰대장은 그들을 쫓게 되고 요절복통한 이들의 질주와 추격이 이어지는데... 노르웨이부터 북유럽의 자연경관을 옆으로 화려한 머스탱의 배기음은 더욱 더 커지고 티티와의 숨막히는 대결이 노스케이프의 마지막 도착지로 이어지고 그곳엔 화려한 반전이 기다리고 있는데…
Help, We Are Graduating!
Markus and Robert is finally at ways end. 13 years of school is almost over and all they have learned is soon to be rinsed away with a graduation party like no other. The only problem is that they are in Ødvåg, a small town in the middle of nowhere, and someone has stolen all their traveling money. A group of nerds and misfits decides that nothing is going to stop them from partying, drinking and getting laid, so they go on a road trip. Will these nerds succeed in graduating with a bang?