In 1935, celebrated writer Jyotiprasad Agarwala directed the first Assamese film: Joymoti – a milestone in Indian cinema. Joymoti had a troubled legacy, the film vanished around the time of India's independence, to resurface only partly in the early 70s, with more reels reappearing over time.
Sound Recordist
인도의 솔개와 솔개를 돌보는 사람들을 그린 다큐멘터리다. 하늘을 유심히 바라보지 않는다면 솔개는 언제나 그 자리에서 똑같이 날고 있는 것처럼 보일지 모른다. 그러나 이 영화의 주인공들은 땅에 떨어져 죽거나 다치는 솔개가 부쩍 증가하는 걸 발견한다. 이유는 한 가지로 특정할 수 없다. 먹이가 사라져서, 쓰레기가 많아져서, 물과 공기가 더러워져서 등등. 그리고 영화는 솔개의 문제가 정확히 인간의 문제임을 설득력 있게 제시한다. 솔개와 같은 땅, 물, 공기를 공유하는 우리는 솔개가 건강하지 못한 지구에서 건강하게 살 수 없다.
Sound Editor
그들을 두려워하라. 《러스트 스토리》의 조야 악타르, 아누락 카시압, 디바카르 배너지, 카란 조하르. 에미상 후보에 오른 네 감독이 4편의 섬뜩한 이야기로 돌아왔다.
Sound Editor
히말라야의 작은 카페에서 일하는 키산은 빠르게 변화하는 세상을 바라보 면서 고민에 빠진다. 그는 지금처럼 히말라야의 작은 마을에서 느리지만 예 측 가능한 삶을 살 것인지, 도시로 나아가 새로운 삶을 시작해야 할 것인지 선택의 기로에 놓인다.
Sound Mixer
Glimpses of lives from a village in Assam reveal the relationship between its history and the present. People’s lives and beliefs are entangled with ecological strings , as nature stands witness to the narratives that unfolded there. A young boy, Rahul, hopes to write a book on his experience of growing up in this village. His mother, being deeply connected with nature can sense messages and signs arising from nature.. Urmila, a pregnant lady, is driven by sensorial experiences. But, In contrast to the serenity and harmonious living; there lurks a violent societal past.These peaceful and quiet lives intersect in a space where traumatic memories of death and loss in Assam’s thirty years of secessionist movement keep resurfacing.
Sound Recordist
Glimpses of lives from a village in Assam reveal the relationship between its history and the present. People’s lives and beliefs are entangled with ecological strings , as nature stands witness to the narratives that unfolded there. A young boy, Rahul, hopes to write a book on his experience of growing up in this village. His mother, being deeply connected with nature can sense messages and signs arising from nature.. Urmila, a pregnant lady, is driven by sensorial experiences. But, In contrast to the serenity and harmonious living; there lurks a violent societal past.These peaceful and quiet lives intersect in a space where traumatic memories of death and loss in Assam’s thirty years of secessionist movement keep resurfacing.
Sound Designer
Glimpses of lives from a village in Assam reveal the relationship between its history and the present. People’s lives and beliefs are entangled with ecological strings , as nature stands witness to the narratives that unfolded there. A young boy, Rahul, hopes to write a book on his experience of growing up in this village. His mother, being deeply connected with nature can sense messages and signs arising from nature.. Urmila, a pregnant lady, is driven by sensorial experiences. But, In contrast to the serenity and harmonious living; there lurks a violent societal past.These peaceful and quiet lives intersect in a space where traumatic memories of death and loss in Assam’s thirty years of secessionist movement keep resurfacing.