Anna Gao

참여 작품

Day Zero
Executive Producer
Filmed over a three-year period, the film journeys across the planet seeking those on the frontline fighting to protect the world’s most precious resource from running out. It seeks to awaken and inspire audiences to change how they think about the planet’s most vital resource: water, and act, by revealing the rapidly building water crisis at both a global and human scale. The documentary includes exclusive interviews from some of the world’s top scientists and experts, travelling across continents to explore some of the most shocking and alarming water shortage issues facing our planet today. From the Cape Town water crisis and the violent impact of deforestation in the Amazon to the catastrophic results of intensive farming in the American Mid-West.
삼국: 무영자
삼국시대 중국, 패국(沛國)의 장군 ‘도독’. 몇해 전 적국 장수와의 싸움에서 치명상을 입고, 자신과 닮은 그림자 무사를 이용해 권력을 지키고자 한다. 시간이 흐를수록 권력과 야망에 눈이 멀어가며 진짜 ‘도독’을 넘어서려는 그림자 무사. 팽팽한 신경전 끝에 목숨을 건 두 사람의 한 판 승부를 벌이는데…