Coen has to choose whether he will celebrate his 11th birthday with his mom in the 27th century or his dad in the 1990s
Coen has to choose whether he will celebrate his 11th birthday with his mom in the 27th century or his dad in the 1990s
Coen has to choose whether he will celebrate his 11th birthday with his mom in the 27th century or his dad in the 1990s
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모든 것이 파괴된 미래, 큰 댐 위의 풍차로 바람을 일으켜 구름이 다가오지 못하게 하며 살아 남은 작은 마을이 있었다. 댐 지기인 돼지는 학교 친구들의 놀림과 마을 사람들의 무관심 속에서도 풍차를 계속 돌리기 위해 열심히 일하고 있다.