Wang Hsi-Hua

참여 작품

아띠-모험의 시작
Chang Meng (voice)
이 영화는 고대 중국을 배경으로 퍼펫 모션으로 제작된 애니메이션이다. 실크로드를 개척한 집안에서 태어난 장 통과 장 모. 그들의 집안에는 대대로 개발해 온 ‘아띠’라는 나무 로봇이 있다. 집안에 내려오는 비극을 끝내고 ‘오리진’의 비밀을 밝히기 위해 ‘아띠’와 함께 서구로 떠나는 그들. 하지만 서구로 가는 길은 험난하기만 하고, 그들을 방해하는 세력까지 등장하게 된다.
Lawrence Lau directs Ballistic, a crime thriller that uses the turbulent world of Taiwanese politics to tell a riveting story of cops, corruption, and how righteousness still has value in this grey-shaded world.
Naked Rose
A story of innocence in a cruel world. Kitty is a young ingenue down on her luck and about to be evicted from her apartment for being arrears in her rent when she is saved by a police inspector who offers to pay her rent. Meanwhile she gets a job in a modelling agency and meets Tony, an arrogant photographer who believes that commercialism will sully his art and that he will not prostitute his artistic standards to their demands. The police inspector is corrupt and sells our young innnocent to a brothel owner Helen who in a magnaminous gesture tears up the contract confiding that she too was once young and innocent. A muddled story line leads to the rapprochement of Kitty and Tony who find love in each others arms.