Nira's Mother
The storyline of the film still kept a mystery to the audience and already have gained a lot of attention among the film enthusiastic community of the country for the past year. Even the new surreal poster has gained traction among the netizens of Bangladesh and has created a buzz where everyone is writing individual explanations about the new poster.
방글라데시 젊은 감독 11명이 참여한 "다카, 내 사랑"은 여러 면에서 독특하다. 방글라데시 수도 다카를 주인공으로, 11명의 감독이 도시에 부치는 러브 레터라는 형식으로 완성된 영화이자 방글라데시 최초의 옴니버스 영화.
Intertwined story of a group of friends living together and their romantic complications.