Prisca Bourgoin

참여 작품

람세스의 아들들
Additional First Assistant Camera
람세스는 ′구뜨 도르′ 구역에서 활동하는, 약간 교활하고 사기꾼 기질도 있는 심령술사다. 돈벌이는 좋지만 그의 일은 합법과 비합법의 경계에 놓여있다. 이 깨지기 쉬운 균형은 탕헤르에서 온 소년들이 동네에 좀도둑질하러 왔을 때 위태로워진다. 람세스는 청소년들에게 좀 더 가까이 갈 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 영매이기 때문이다.
The Grand Ball
Director of Photography
It is the history of a ball. A grand ball. Each summer, more than two thousand people tributary of the whole of Europe in a corner of the French countryside. For 7 days and 8 nights, they dance, again and again, lose the concept of time, braving their toil and their body. It rotates, laughs, it spin round, it cries, it sings. And the life pulse.
First Assistant Camera
Four women become friends and face challenges while traveling through West Africa.
Last Breath
Axel and Maelle are in couple, they seem to have a simple life, without issues, but in their intimacy, Maelle uses violence. Axel needs an introspection, to save his couple, and save himself.
Last Breath
Director of Photography
Axel and Maelle are in couple, they seem to have a simple life, without issues, but in their intimacy, Maelle uses violence. Axel needs an introspection, to save his couple, and save himself.
Quinze kilomètres trois
First Assistant Camera
Their teacher, their classmate, their cousin, tell about the drama of two girls who lost this patience of people who don't hope any more. They walked 15 KM 300 to throw themselves form cliffs.