Ali Johar

참여 작품

알렉산드리아… 왜?
할리우드 영화의 화려함에 매혹되어 있는 십대 소년 예히아는 주변을 가득 메우고 있는 공포 분위기에서 벗어나 상상의 세계로 도피한다. 하지만 그는 유럽을 점령한 나치의 잔학상에 대해 하나 둘씩 알아가면서 실제 삶의 참혹한 현실을 외면하기 어려워진다. 특히 지방출신의 소녀와 사랑에 빠진 후에는...
Al Sarab
The rich man marries Kamel from Rabab, who discovers after marriage that he is sexually incapacitated, so he resorted to Dr. Amin for his treatment, and it becomes clear to the doctor that Kamel is a shy and introverted young man who lives with his mother after separating from his father and thereby adheres to it completely and adheres to the sex with a certain pattern that he cannot go out despite his attempts Standing.
A Crime in the Calm Neighbourhood
Directed by Houssam El-Din Mustafa.
His Excellency, The Ambassador
After the ambassador travels abroad, the servant takes advantage of this opportunity and impersonates him.