Esmat Mahmoud

Esmat Mahmoud

프로필 사진

Esmat Mahmoud

참여 작품

Ibrahim the 3rd
Kuwaiti Play featuring Ibrahim Slal and Mariam Alqadban
No Time for Love
Hamza "a member of the volunteer National Guard" meets up with the teacher Fawzya "Faten", after the fire of Cairo broke out, the British trying to capture all the volunteers in the National Guard , Hamza hiding in the house of one of his friend, and Fawzya help him, and she is trying to formation its own cell in order to hit the English forces in the Canal zone.
The Girls in Summer
Directed by Salah Abouseif et al.
카이로 역
카이로 역. 역에서 벌어먹고 사는 사람들과 짐꾼, 이별하는 이들, 그들을 통제하려는 사람들까지 얽혀 있다.