Geneviève Huot

참여 작품

살인 청바지
Art Direction
영화의 배경은 캐나다의 의류 매장. 새로 들어온 리비는 신나게 팀에 합류해 일하는 요령을 익힌다. 하지만 회사 사람들은 하나같이 자신만 챙길 뿐 남은 신경 쓰지 않는다. 회사에서는 모든 사람의 신체 치수에 꼭 맞춰 주는 ‘슈퍼 셰이퍼’ 청바지를 출시하게 되는데, 자아를 가진 이 청바지들 때문에 낭자한 피와 잘린 팔다리와 동강 난 몸이 곳곳에서 발견된다.
The Colour of Your Lips
Production Design
In an atmosphere grown suddenly impossible to breathe, a diver and a woman appear to be the only survivors. As their reserves of air run out, will they make love or war?
La chute
Production Design
Turn off before living
Art Designer
Paul, on a trip to Havana, is experiencing difficulty keeping a smile on his troubled face. He meets Agnela, a young local working girl, whose job it is to please with a practiced smile of her own. No matter, how close they get or how hard they try to soothe their broken souls, their attempts remains vain. They are too busy disconnecting themselves from hidden, unwanted emotions to achieve a true much needed human contact.