Ken O'Sullivan

참여 작품

씨 피버
Underwater Director of Photography
해양생물의 행동 패턴을 연구하는 ‘시본’은 실습을 위해 어선 ‘니브 킨 오이르’호에 승선한다. 더 큰 수확을 얻기 위해 접근 금지 수역에 진입한 ‘니브 킨 오이르’호는 심해에 서식하던 미지의 생명체와 마주한다. 그 이후부터 선원들 사이에서 열병이 퍼지며 하나둘씩 죽음을 맞기 시작하는데…
Ireland's Deep Atlantic
Sea Fever
Filmed over the course of two years to capture the mood of Irish surfing throughout the seasons. "Sea Fever" is an insight film into the surf culture developed in Ireland over the last 40 years. With dramatic footage from Ireland's giant wave Aileen's (Aill na Searrach) at the 700-foot Cliffs of Moher and close-up interviews with the troubadour surfers that brave these 40-50-foot waves to Kevin Cavey and the early pioneers of the 1960s and 1970s with their rudimentary equipment and spirit of adventure, "Sea Fever" sets out to capture the character and craic of Irish surfing. "Sea Fever" features John McCarthy, Mickey Smith, Sam Lamiroy, Mole Joel, Easkey Britton, Kevin Cavey, and Rod "dolphin man" Bennett.