Fiona Guest

참여 작품

올드 가드
Art Department Assistant
수백 년 동안 어둠 속에서 싸워왔다. 인류를 지키는 불멸의 전사들. 큰 잠재력을 가진 신참을 발견하지만, 그들의 놀라운 힘도 발각된다. 잡혀선 안 된다, 끝까지 싸운다.
Facing It
Production Designer
Shaun always feels separate and isolated from the confident, happy world around him. Whilst waiting for his parents in a busy pub, Shaun struggles valiantly to join in with the admirably happy people in the crowd, but the more he tries, the more he goes awry. As everything in the pub goes from bad to worse, Shaun finds himself confronted by the painful memories that made him who he is. His feelings, memories and desires overwhelm him and by the end of the evening he is ready to explode...