Galina Volkova

Galina Volkova

프로필 사진

Galina Volkova

참여 작품

흐루스탈료프, 나의 차!
스탈린이 쓰러져 의식을 잃기 얼마 전인 1953년 봄. 당시 소련에서는 유태인 의사들이 소련 고위 관료를 암살하려 한다는 거짓 정보가 퍼져나가고 있었다. 유태인 출신의 군의관인 유리는 자신에게 덧씌워질지 모르는 혐의를 벗어나기 위해 발버둥치지만 결국 비밀 경찰에 체포되고 만다.
In That Land
Deaf Russian village - a real bearish corner. People live here like a hundred years ago, in their quiet and seemingly inconspicuous life there is everything - birth and death, the struggle of love and hate, good and evil, honor and betrayal.
Hey, Lads and Lasses
Director Lydia Bobrova pictures the bleak life in the Russian countryside by showing some events in the life of three brothers and their families. The three brothers are different in character, but all suffer from the dreariness of kolchoz life. The title is derived from a nostalgic Russian song. The wild geese have the possibility of moving on to milder climes, a possibility that Russian country people don’t have.
How to Become a Star
An entertaining show featuring various artists. A wise parrot teaches Maxim Leonidov - the leader of 'Secret', a very popular group at the time - how to become a star.
Married for the First Time
According to the story of the same name by Pavel Nilin. At 20, Tonya gave birth to a daughter — alone, without a husband. At 30 — personal happiness became an unattainable dream. She devoted herself to her beloved daughter. But at the age of 40, life seemed to make a circle and return to its starting point. There is nothing left to lose — which means you can take a chance, start all over again. Mom is married for the first time, and it’s hard for a selfish daughter to put up with this...