Cheree Dillon

참여 작품

세 자매, 달리다
트랙 위에서 빛나는 육상 스타 세 자매. 일상과 경기에서 장애물을 만나지만 꿋꿋이 달린다. 주니어 올림픽에서 우승하기 위해, 꿈을 위해! 세 소녀의 특별한 성장 여정을 담은 다큐멘터리.
If There is Light
14 year-old Janiyah Blackmon wrestles with her new life in New York City as her mom tries to move her family out of the shelter system and into a stable home.
With traces of Kafka, this experimental short locates us in an altered state of reality as the set for an unsuspecting beetle's participation in her mate's metamorphosis. Influenced by Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" and Aileen Wuornos, a Florida prostitute and lesbian who was sentenced to death row for killing several tricks, this video explores homophobia from a different and extreme angle. Here, the protagonist morphs from someone engaging in bestiality to cannibalism. The object of her desire is what she aspires to; her tragedy is that her metamorphosis destroys not only her mate, but also her former self.